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Everything posted by Peopod

  1. Hi, I had an issue with Vodafone last year and my MP wrote to the Chairman of Vodafone. It was a different issue but all charges were immediately dropped and so you could try your MP under the circumstances? I assume you simply want to step your contract down to a lower tariff? Doesn't seem unreasonable if you can't afford the higher one as it doesn't sound like you're actually asking to be released? I also know of the work StepChange do, I helped a friend last year who had come across hard times and they were brilliant at managing some pretty big players in the CC world and so should imagine that they'd know how to approach this, either with the help of Vodafone or otherwise. They're the experts! Seems like a bit of a no brainer to me: Vodafone reduce your contracted tariff, you pay, everyones happy vs long drawn out discussions about how they'll take you to the debt collectors if you don't pay and ruin your credit rating. I don't mean to be rude here, but if you're working with Stepchange already, you probably don't have a good credit rating anyway and so this wouldn't be such a big problem for you as it would some people. Although correct me if I'm wrong! Peopod
  2. If only it was that easy! Do you seriously think these gangs can't hack into a simple pin number? Having a pin certainly didn't help my son.
  3. Hi Stefob, Just wondering what happened, have Vodafone sorted out your issues?
  4. Hi, I'm sorry to hear about the issues your son is having with Vodafone, it's remarkably distressing and all time consuming. The short version of a long story for my son, was that I emailed my MP and wrote to several national newspapers. My MP wrote to the both the chairman of Vodafone and the UK CEO within 10 hours of getting my email. In addition, one of the newspapers picked it up and contacted Vodafone (your.problems@observer.co.uk). Within a week, Vodafone called to say they were dropping the charges... From my observations, the only way Vodafone will drop charges is when there is a danger that a story will fall into the hands of the media, or in our case as well, an MP who was asking questions. Vodafone are in print saying that when a phone is stolen and used for premium rate numbers they consider it to be 'organised crime'. I'll look up the article again and let you have it. I only knew about the premium rate numbers because I went through the bill, Vodafone didn't know, or if they did, they didn't admit it. Did your son have the Euro Traveller package? This is when a customer signs up to take their UK allowance (calls and texts) overseas (to most European countries)? Peopod
  5. Hi PDawn, You say the debt has increased significantly in your message, how much is the actual debt and what are the other charges both in terms of how much and by whom have the charges been applied?
  6. Hi Rebell1, It's certainly been very interesting on just about every front and I've learnt a great deal about how people can help each other, even when there isn't anything in it for them. That can't be bad, only a good way to live and so although it's been very stressful, it's been very valuable as well. My son is very grateful to everyone who has helped us and asked me to pass on his thanks... Peopod
  7. Thanks, Conniff, but this really was a team effort, as they say, and that includes a national newspaper and an MP!
  8. Hi everyone, Vodafone called today to tell me they've dropped all charges... A massive thank you to everyone on this forum who have helped us with such useful advice and links. It's the first time I've used anything like this and it's been fascinating to see how there really is no 'i' in team! I've learnt a great deal during this whole process. Lee, I know your hands were tied but thanks for your input, appreciated. Bankfodder, thanks for your prompts! Best regards, Peopod
  9. Thanks for that, Caro, need to send him a private message and so I'll contact him as you say. Peopod
  10. Thanks, The Euro Package comes with a text whilst overseas which says you've exceeded your allowance. Vodafone say they were temporarily suspending my sons line but it doesn't appear to have been as there is no break in calls. Either way, the fact they send a text as part of the T/C's means they have sight of the calls and any patterns. The main question now is how to find out where I can find a comprehensive list of premium rate numbers for the countries I've listed. Any ideas please? Many thanks
  11. Hi Does anyone know where I can get a list of premium rate numbers for Pakistan, Austria and Spain please. We have at least one premium rate number for Estonia and so chances are that the others are premium rate. Thanks Peopod
  12. Lee, Communicating with Vodafone is proving very difficult . It's now 03.43 hours and I can't sleep because the deadline for deadlock expires tomorrow. You offered to extend this last Thursday but as I write, I've absolutely no idea if this has been done or not... - I've done as you've asked and sent two emails into you using the 'help' link you provided and had no response to either. - Yesterday you told me you couldn't see these emails, why? - You also said that I should have had an auto reply, I didn't, Why? - You said in your communication on here yesterday after I'd sent yet another message to you on here yesterday asking if you received my message posted on Friday at 10.40,: 'If you didn't receive this, email me again via the Contact us here and make sure that the code WRT135 - CAGicon Forum is quoted in the subject line.. Why wouldn't I receive and 'automated' email if that is how the system is set up? Further, - I sent you details, via this forum, of duplicate/same time calls on Friday at 10.40hrs. I've had no response from you regarding this, Why? - I asked you again in my post yesterday, via this forum, but still no response regarding this, just a message to say you didn't receive my emails Why? I realise that you probably don't want to discuss issues on here directly but I can't seem to find any other way of communicating with you outside this forum - On Thursday I sent another message on here asking for the details of your Spanish Mobile partner, and again asked for this yesterday, I've had no response to either of these requests, why? One of my emails contained confidential information which I don't want to publish on here and requested formally that you extent the deadlock as per your advice to me. It's now 6 days on and I'm absolutely no further forward. Please see link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2298750/Recruitment-worker-23-left-21-000-phone-thief-uses-stolen-mobile-premium-rate-spending-spree.html This case is exactly the same as our, even down the location. This poor persons bill was £21,000 but was waived because it was deemed 'organised crime'. If our case was being looked at by Vodafone to check that the bill was correct before it was passed to the 'Bill Shock' team, why didn't someone: - pick up the duplicate / same time / same number calls and if they did, why didn't anyone tell us, given the quote from Vodafone contained in the article please? I've emailed you again, to your help line provided in your message, but given that I did this 6 days ago, didn't receive an auto reply, I don't see why my emails should get through this time round here. The Deadlock hold expires tomorrow and so far and regardless of how I try and communicate with Vodafone, I just don't make any headway. I didn't want to post this on here as I'd really rather just stay with the issue I have but given the above, I'm running out of ideas of how else I can communicate. Peopod
  13. Hi Lee, Thanks for this. I have sent two emails to the 'help' link you gave me and quoted WRT135 - CAG on both of them. I didn't receive an auto reply to either of these? Assume you have the one I sent today as you've replied to me? it's concerning the multiple/same time calls and other destinations called. Can you confirm you have this please to be on the safe side. I'll have to do the email I sent on Thursday again as I don't know how to retrieve emails sent through your 'help' link. Thanks, Peopod,
  14. Hi Lee, Did you see the above sent on Friday please, it's pretty important. I've just sent you a message via your 'help' line, quoting the code you gave me. Can you please have a look at it and get back to me. Also I'm still waiting for a response to my email sent as you suggested last week, using the code you gave me, and my additional question asked on here, who is your mobile partner in Spain please? Thanks, Peopod
  15. Thanks for comments and advice. Hopefully Lee will be back on Monday. If not, I'll give the Directors' Office anther go!
  16. Hello, Yes it's never been in dispute that they have the bit about up until a phone is reported stolen. Deadlock = Ombudsman is correct but things have come to light which need discussing in a sensible way which could change the situation we currently have. We can go around the houses with this or have a discussion and see where it takes us. Unfortunately the ball isn't in our court with this, its up to Vodafone if they wish to speak to us!
  17. Hi, Thanks everyone. Sorry to hear about your wife fletch. The duty of care definition is: a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others. It's certainly an interesting debate for sure. I've asked Vodafone already for their mobile partner in Spain but they haven't responded and so I don't know is the answer but will let you know when they respond (if they respond!). I haven't heard from Lee, or the Directors' Office regarding my posting about the contents of the message they sent, or the multiple/same time calls to the same number yet but Lee may have had a day off yesterday. Other than my sons issues, what it's highlighted to me is that there is a much bigger issue here for debate, on a number of fronts.
  18. I guess if you make two calls to the same number at the same time, you earn double the money if it's a premium line. One of the Estonia number is but I can't see the other main Estonia number on the list? Not sure about Pakistan, Austria or Spain, will investigate further.
  19. Hi, We have a call at 12.51 for 6m 37s and then a call to the same number just 1 minute later at 12.52 for 7m 56s, this would mean setting up a conference all, and the someone leaving it to do a personal call at the same time. I think these numbers were probably dialled using a dialler or something similar as dialling is rapid but I could be wrong. Vodafone may know the answer but I haven't heard from them!
  20. HI, I don't know is the answer. Can they clone sim cards? Also, thanks to Veganite, I can now see that they called Pakistan, Austria and Spain. Not sure why this hasn't been picked up by Vodafone when they checked the bill. Re the Directors' Team - very odd behaviour I agree. Will just keep on going. I'm finding the help on the site fantastic, so much knowledge out there and people happy to share and help.
  21. Hi Veganite, Thanks for your help. Just looked at your link to check and can now see that not all of the calls were to Estonia, although the majority were. Other countries: Pakistan, Austria and Spain. Very helpful, Veganite, thanks for this, I'd missed it.
  22. Hi Lee, Thanks for your message. I sent the email yesterday as you advised. I called Vodafone again yesterday to ask what the text said which was sent to my son when his UK Plan was exceeded. This is what it said 'You have reached your Euro Traveller Allowance and your service is temporarily suspended. If you wish to reopen the line again, call 191 ...' The text was sent at 12.19 on the 10th May per Vodafone. I've just checked the itemised bill and at 12.18 there was a call in progress to an Estonia number, it lasted 17m.8s, taking the time to 12.35. At 12.35 the same number was dialled and lasted 0m 5s. This was followed at 12.35 by another call to the same number which lasted 15m 50s. This was followed by another call at 12.51 and so it goes on. If the line was suspended, it wasn't at 12.19 as we can see from the bill. Also it means that if it was suspended, the thief wouldn't have had time to call 191 re the pattern of calls and the rapid dialling patterns. The other issue is that they wouldn't have got through your security anyway and so its looking likely that the line wasn't suspended. In addition, having just gone through all of the calls, I've spotted something very odd: There are multiple calls to the same Estonia number, all at the same time: - 12.01hrs 16m 39s cost 5.50 - 12.01hrs 17m 1s cost 5.67 - 12.18hrs 17m 8s cost 5.712 - 12.18hrs 16m 28s cost 5.48 - 12.35hrs15m 50s cost 5.41 - 12.35hrs 6m14s cot 2.20 This is the pattern throughout the bill. Also, I just noticed that although the majority of calls were to Estonia, there are some to Pakistan, Austria and Spain. How can one phone/sim dial the same number at the same time whilst having up to 17 minutes per call please? Just as odd is that the agent yesterday said we would now be passed onto the 'Bill shock' team, when asked why this was just happening, the agent said that Vodafone wanted to be sure that we were being billed correctly. If this is the case, why hasn't someone from Vodafone picked this up please? Thanks Lee, Peopod.
  23. Hi Lee, Quick question, can you please provide me with the name of your mobile partner in Spain please, the one my sons calls would have gone through please. Thanks Lee, Peopod
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