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Everything posted by Whoo

  1. OK I have initiated the help of local-ish legal experts and i'm also talking to a remote expert with first hand experience in this area. Personally if I had to sell I would revert the property to it's former state but it would break my heart to do so. I had expressed a wish to avoid litigation but Im not prepared to give him a penny more than he's due!
  2. Yes I thought I might need to have this adjudged and I noted these links which is from the official government insolvency site and goes into detail about establishing my interest in the property. Sorry I couldn't post the link because it said I don't have a post count of ten yet! Can you point me in the direction of a legal expert or is that not allowed ... I'm not sure a local solicitor would have the right knowledge to take this on W
  3. Thank you, Some more info as I was a bit panicked having just read his letter. I registered my rights under the family law act prior to the Bankruptcy with the Land Registry and my son of just 16 lives with us in the family home so I assumed correctly that this day would come but not that I am not allowed any interest in my home and he is saying family law does not convey and has no bearing Oh and the house ground floor was totally gutted at the time the Bankruptcy was awarded so I had no choice but to pay the renovation costs as we were living in a damp cellar with just one small window to the main street. It was the culmination of my husbands poor health and I have paid the mortgage in total for the last 5 years. W
  4. My husband went Bankrupt a few years back and now the OR wants me to buy or sell my home. He was the sole owner but we're married of 18 years and the OR is saying I am not entitled to any interest in the property. This can't be right as I've paid for renovations, the deposit, bills, mortgage contributions, council tax and just about everything. I have offered him 50% of the equity which sits (less the renovation work of circa £4k) around £31k but he says I'm not entitled. I need advice please ... the half I offered will leave me broke never mind if I have to find the full amount. I tired posting but it wouldn't let me W
  5. Desparately need help ....but hello everyone! W
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