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  1. I've seen some excellent legal advice on this forum but I'm posting this less in the hope of getting out of the hole I'm in and more as a warning to other commercial tenants. Eight months ago, I verbally agreed a new tenancy agreement when my five year shop lease was coming to an end. When I rang the landlords six months later the guy I had spoken to had left. The new person said they'd honour the agreement but only on a one month rolling contract outside the act. I needed to race to a solicitor and get the agreement witnessed. Why would they be asking for this? I dismissed my suspicions as paranoia. I'm a good tenant. Pay on time etc etc. Lots of empty property in the locality. Exactly six months later the shop has been re let to a new tenant. (I had no idea they were making it available - not 'quiet enjoyment' for three years) and I have been served one months notice. As you can imagine this is devastating to any trader. Find a new property. Relocate. Fit out etc etc. The cost is prohibitive. Are there any loopholes? The rent is paid per annum but on quarter days so has been paid to September 1st and I read that the notice period must end at the end of a period. Lease commenced on 24 Nov. One months Notice was served on 23rd june with termination set for 27 July (One minute before midnight) Any advice help definately appreciated but otherwise please treat this as a warning to others.
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