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Everything posted by Brenty

  1. Got another snide letter from Eruuuuuuudio this morning. I've just sent them a CCA asking them to 'prove it'. It's a relatively small amount I owed the SLC but on a moral point of principle I'm going to take this down to the wire. Never been told by SLC they've sold the debt. Never signed anything subsequent to my original signing of loans in 1993/4/5. Thanks for this site, I've had a good read around and feel a lot more comfortable now in telling E-Rudeboys-eo where to stick it. I'll let you know if/when anything comes back.
  2. what's a rodeo? (beyond the obvious cheap jokes) Also what's a NOA? Thanks.
  3. I've never received anything from SLC telling me the debt has been sold/reassigned, in the post, email or phone calls. I've never responded to any of Erudios letters either (sent to my old address). As far as I'm concerned my debt is payable to the SLC, until SLC send me written evidence to the contrary? Erudio can go whistle. (Am I just being naive though?)
  4. Yep. Sorry, I was forgetting myself. I've had a particularly bad day and was looking to get a bit cheap and snarly. I've got no issues with unions. I've got an issue with the victimhood going on in society right now as soon as something doesn't go our way. It's my issue though, so apologies for drinking and posting. Be well, Brenty x
  5. True. But playing that 'card' is the last recourse of someone who doesn't have a case?
  6. Agree. Atlas01. But new laws came into force today where anyone (not just women or carers) can ask for flexible working in a 6 month period, unless the boss can find a good reason for the company to deny it. I don't know if this will help the OP case, but it sure goes a long way to level the playing field for most of us hating our jobs yet having to work 9-5, but hitherto didn't have an easy 'discrimation card' to play.
  7. I think this whole debate goes a long way to prove the irrelevance of Unions in the 21st Century. If we are working in a clothing factory in Bangladesh, or as Coal Miners in 1930 then Unions played a very important and necessary role. But now, hmmm. Just Google the RMT Tube workers strike where people on 45k a year are moaning that people who've asked for redundancy are not allowed to take it because a Union that less than 23% of workers belong to have said they can't and strike, holding the whole of London to ransom. I'd have more interest in Union barons in the modern age if they didn't all seem to come from Liverpool (which in itself has a proud history of victimhood). But when less than 10% of people balloted can lead to a strike then the clock is ticking with the private sector worker and general public really finding Unions relevant. (Apologies, SabreSheep - I've read you probably have a dog in this fight, so feel free to get my post deleted, lol. Whoever said Unions were up for democracy or free speech anyway? Just look at Ed Miliband being Len McKlusky's little bitch
  8. I've read around the posts on this thread now. Thanks. It's answered most of my questions. One thing I'm still not sure about though, is once I've sent them the CCA and IF they respond with an original copy of my loan agreement (good luck with that information from over twenty years ago lol). But if they do, do they then have the right to add as much interest/penalty charges or register ccj as they want? My point being - I took out this loan in good faith with SLC. I've never signed anything I've received from Erudio to acknoweldge they own the debt. Isn't it like me saying dx owed me a fiver back in 1993 and signed an agreement he'd pay me back, but he didn't. So now 21 years later I sold the debt to 'xxxx' and they are now chasing dx for £5 + whatever they want to add. Doesn't seem very fair or legal to me?
  9. I'm only trying to correct you, if you choose to take this as a sleight on your ego then so be it. As I said, no offence meant. But I can't stand by and see you peddle crap. Enjoy your snifter, I'm about to have one myself Cx
  10. OK sorry, I'm new here so forgive me. But what did I write that wasn't factual, SabreSheep?
  11. I've only just found this site. It seems (mostly) friendly. I joined to ask about an ongoing debt issue but found this benefit forum and just felt minded to add my two-penneth when I read your 'word to the wise' postings. In answer to your direct question - Yes UJM notes when you've logged on. Your advisor can see when you logged on and which day. But what they CANNOT see (irrespective of whether you choose to tick the 'I authorise DWP to view my site' - and note this is just a token gesture to placate the disinfranchised who always seem so obsessed with who is monitoring them as if they are SO important, lol) is how long you stayed on for or what you looked at. All they can see is what you applied for, what notes you saved in your 'Application History' and what days you logged on. To suggest otherwise is pure paranoia and suggests to me once again, that with respect, someone of your clear intelligence, has wholly too much time on their hands. Chris x
  12. Hi, thanks for moving. It's Erudio. That's what I'm worried about. I haven't paid anything towards the debt since 06 or acknowledged it in writing explicitly, but I've been sending back the 'deferment forms' to SLC until last year. I guess that resets the SB clock then?
  13. don't we all darling - that's really why most of us are all here
  14. "Every time you log on to UJM your Account ID details along with the date and time is recorded. Likewise every time you log off. That way they have a record of how long you spent on the site. Every page you spend time on and how long, every job advertisement that you spend time on and how long is similarly recorded. Every job you apply for via UJM is also recorded. All the notes, or whatever, you add are also recorded." Erm... No! DWP *WISHES* UJM was that sophisticated but take it from someone who watched it being developed and implemented, same as the billion dollar NHS cock-up integrated software - it sure as hell can't do what you think it does. And to suggest it does makes me think you are unecessarily paranoid, (in addition to your constant self-aggrandizing purple prose was suggesting to me either alcoholism, MH issues). We're all here to help though ultimately, so no offence is meant to you personally, it's just easy for you to be an internet weekend warrior without really having any experience?
  15. Forgive me OP, but your whole attitude seems to be a bit 'sour grapes'? Along the lines of (from what you've written only) 'I requested flexible working' (it was granted). 'I requested a bigger bonus than my full time work colleagues' (it was granted). 'But now they won't promote me because I spend time working at home and cry foul at the smallest perceived slight.' (Company says we've reasonably tried to accomodate your requests so far and we're sorry you didn't get the promotion but we need someone committed and physically here when WE need them because we're running a business and not Mumsnet?) 'I'm not happy I didn't get a promotion even though there may have been better candidates, therefore I'm looking to play the 'discrimination card'. Fair assessment?
  16. Good evening all, I'm hoping you can give me some advice on a Student loan I took out in 96 which has now been passed to a DCA in the last few months due to being sold by SLC (as was) and they are now starting to chase. I went to Uni as a mature student back in 93 and received a student loan for each of the three years of my BA(hons). Since 2006 I haven't paid a penny or acknowledged the debt. HOWEVER, I did send back the deferment forms proving I wasn't earning enough. So, does this count as acknowledging the debt? Or can I assume it's now SB? Also, would there be any mileage in sending a 'prove it' letter or CCA/SAR to the DCA as I'm sure now twenty years later they'd be hard pushed to produce any sort of agreement I'd originally signed? Any advice really appreciated as the debt remaining on the Student Loan is 'relatively' small, but still I can't afford it, but what worries me more is the charges a DCA then CCJ/Bailiffs, etc might legally add. And I don't believe in burying my head in the sand unless absolutely necessary.
  17. I'm sorry Lapsed Workaholic but where do you get your authority from? I worked as a civil servant in DWP until last year and I must say you are talking absolute rot. I realise I've just joined this site and don't want my first post to be negative, but when I read such blatant misinformation written in such a high-handed manner I just can't hold my tongue. (I realise this is an open forum for benefit/disability advice, and I haven't read the previous posts from him, so if he has long standing mental health, alcoholism, drug addictions, Aspergers issues - or just too much time on his hands, then I apologise).
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