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  1. I have advised him to send the single line response, but if they continue to send threatening letters, I have a legal argument citing the CAB report and the Oxford case to refute their "claims". The more I learn about their practices the angrier I get, because they prey on the vulnerable and rely on people's ignorance of the law.
  2. Hi all, I have already done some research on the RLP and their practices after I agreed to help a Spanish friend who for some reason or other decided to take a few items from Boots, after he had already made a purchase, the value cannot have exceeded £20 at most, and the items were recovered, intact, in saleable condition. He paid a fixed penalty notice and thought nothing more of it, until he received what must have been the RLP's second letter (the first never reached him) which stated that he had not responded to their first letter and that their client was seeking £147.50. This was the first I had ever heard of the RLP, and my friend being from another country did not understand his rights in this situation, and got into quite a panic over whether this could affect his job with an airline. He sent a couple of emails and, on my advice, requested details of what these "costs" constituted i.e. what loss was suffered by Boots. He has now received another letter (attached below) in which they attempt to justify the "claim" as both "compensation" and "a contribution towards the time administraion and security costs incurred as a result of dealing with your wrongful actions." He has now asked me to draft a written response, and I am just wondering how many legal arguments to include (of the Oxford case, CAB statement etc) or whether to simply dismiss their baseless claims altogether. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. [ATTACH=CONFIG]51816[/ATTACH]
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