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Everything posted by ivelostit123

  1. I'm gaethering all I have now. I aim to have this uploaded later today. - thank you.
  2. Okay plan for tomorrow is contact northans bulk and get the claim form emailed to me SAR Zip Car The DCA going through paper work is: Act Credit Once all this is done, what is next? Thank You, this means so much. How Can I ever repay?
  3. I had a letter send via email, it stated this: Should the balance remain unpaid or an agreement to repay not be reached with our office by 17:00 on 17 November 2017 then additional charges may be incurred and an Enforcement Agent could be instructed to attend your property with a view to removing goods to satisfy the High Court Writ of Control. Any additional charges are incurred as per The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 and these were described in more detail on the Notice of Enforcement. Then one before this said: You will be aware from communications left at your address that our Enforcement Agent has been attempting to meet with you to take control of your goods under a High Court writ of Control. The writ we have received against you on behalf of the above named Claimant for an amount outstanding in the sum of £1601.04, including costs, interest and charges of which interest continues to accrue on a daily basis. The address on the CCJ is my parents house, where I am living now yet. Thank You so much for your help
  4. Hi sorry I do not have any of this information, I just checked my credit report and found this: COUNTY COURT MONEY CLAIMS CENTRE 30/01/17 £858 Unsatisfied Judgment Does this help at all?
  5. Hello DX100UK, the HCO said he will get the court to order the execution of entry I I do not pay this Friday. - Is this true? The thing is nothing in this house is mine its all my mums, I am literally staying here whilst I get my things back on track. Can he do such, why would he say it if he cannot? 627.25 was the original debt with Zip Car This was passed onto a debt collection agency, where my Mum was making payments of £5 I believe (Things are grey around this time due to mental health issues) This point Martsons was chasing me. Then the debt went to £1601.04 in July/August I dont know how. I paid then a balance over a few months bringing this down to £730 this is when I lost my job Then I had a letter today of £850 .. I have paid the debt twice already, but I have to keep paying because of the collection fees. Im stuck in a spiral.
  6. Honestly, at the time I was going through a tough time l cannot remember if I did do such. Zip Car is a car rental company/Car Sharing company owned by Avis Budget Group a larger car rental company. What can I do, now? Please & thank you
  7. Hello, I have this debt on my hands its destroying my life and family life. I dont know what to do. Ongoing for about 1 year. Original debt £600 odd I was out of a job and could not pay Zip Car as a result, it was passed onto Marston HCO. They have chased me for nearly a year, the debt went to £1,000 I paid about £500 towards the £1,000 over two months (had an agreement of £250per motnh but then lost job, they came to my house I was not in. The debt has gone to £850 now. I no longer can afford I have no money, I count pennies to get a haircut just for the job interviews I have secured. I am living at my parents home and its causing me so many issues as they are threating to come with a warrant for entry to take goods from the house. What do I do? I had an agreement I was paying, I lost my job, I said give me till February they ar not interested. Please, please help me I am on my last knees. I pay then the debt increases I pay again then increases again I am in a spiral I cannot get out of. Sorry if I am not expressing gratitude in this message for your help. I am very thankful just really stressed. CCJ is in my name, also why is there High Court sending balifs down for consumer debt is this allowed? Thanks,
  8. Hi All, Please help, this is killing us...the stress is causing us so many problems...we can't eat and its ruined the family. We took out a Endowment policy in the 90's via a broker. The Endowment policy is Prudential, and we were told the Endowment policy will pay off the total mortgage and pay me a lump sum at the end of maturity. We found out today there is a shortfall of £35k!!! We complained to the FSA/FOS, who stated because the broker is no longer trading we cannot claim compensation. They cannot make the claim against anyone we have been told. We spoke to Money Advise Service who stated, its our word against theres therefore we cannot do anything. Im stuck, I can't eat, sleep and is seriously impacting my life! Can anyone help with this, please? Thanks All. Jane
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