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Everything posted by Chris-ssy

  1. Hi I just wanted to wish you the best of luck at court on the 24th. I ve been in your position 8 times and ive had a suspended order in all but one case. The last one was on 24th June and all was well. As I could prove that I was able to make payments of the current cmi plus an extra 200 per month to clear the arrears. We have arrears of 16,000 and the judge still sided with us. He said in order to allow the eviction to go ahead he would have to prove without a doubt that the mortgage was utterly unaffordable. As this wasn't the case he granted another suspended order. What im trying to say is that I really think and hope that it will go in your favour as you can show that you can now maintain regular payments. I know nothing is 100% but I will be thinking of you and keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
  2. Blimey im trying to say I think im allowed to ask for all the statements that show my fees on there ..sorry got there in the end!
  3. I rang them today to set up a direct debit but as it will take a week or so to sort out ive paid Junes payment today with them over the phone. Felt great being able to get ahead for once . Yes ive got statements for most of the fees but think im entitled to request all the fees is that right?
  4. Hi he ordered that we pay the 4000 my dad has offered and then 920 a month which is 120 less than the original order so much better for us and managable thank goodness. Can I ask do U think I should query my charges at all? They are currenlty 18000 I don't know whether to as I dont want to mess up my situation now its sorted
  5. Well no luck with the ticket but today I feel like I've won it anyway hope others get the news they are hoping for too
  6. I will def be donating ..if I win the lottery it will be sooner tho ..its having forums like this one that makes you realise you're not alone and every person who gave me advice has saved my family from huge disruption x
  7. Hahah don't worry Im def sticking to it..if im honest its prob the first time ive gone in with a repayment plan we can actually afford ..i was pushed into agreements before by the lender which were unrealistic. I feel really positive and we had fab news from our daughters consultant this afternoon so ive just bought a lottery ticket too! Thanks again
  8. Hi thanks for asking I think im still in shock as I got it suspended. I actually cant take it in but im sat in my garden for the first time in months actually relaxing and without a nervous stomach. I can honestly say tho that without this forum I dont think id have gotten thro today. The advice is spot on and if U take it I think it will help your case immensly. I would like to add tho that if anyone is reading this and in my situation dont give up hope. The judge today was very fair and decided to give me a chance purely on my Witness statement and evidence so get a good case behind you. Also when my lenders were phoning me and I was ignoring calls I used to think sod it id rather speak to a judge but being where I have today its not the right way forward. Ring them or write and take proof as it goes a long way. Thanks again to everyone who gave me fab advice and good luck wishes. Ell-en you are truly fantastic at this and in a few months I will be donating to this site..thanks again xx
  9. Hi again I went to the court today and got a hearing date for Tuesday which is a nightmare as the eviction is wed but not a lot I can do about that my question is tho when I handed in the n244 she would only let me attatch the statement and not the budget or my daughters consultant letters she said I had to take them on Tues to court is that right?? And also of this does not go well am I allowed to ask the judge for more time as in to postpone for 7 days while I get sorted as the eviction would be the next day? Any help really appreciated thanks
  10. The witness statement is wonderful thank you so much for all your help i can go and get it all printed off now and get to the court i hope they can definately gt me a hearing before the 25 th i truly cant thank you enough. I will try and take a picture of the budget sheet and send it now
  11. Ive already printed the budget sheet this morning at the library so if you can send the statement on here i can print that off too or shall i give you my email address?
  12. Yes i will open it at the library and fill in the names ..the ipad wont let me write on the budget sheet and i tried to connect our main computer earlier but its not working
  13. Ive been told that they do but i think you have to arrive a little earlier and ask on the day. That was my intention anyway as last time i went in unsupported and didnt say half of what i wanted to say. Ive put on my budget sheet that i was offering to pay 302 extra not 182 should i re do it? Or should i offer the 302 its all so confusing sorry for all the questions
  14. Its in joint names yes and we have 3 children ages 13 7 and 6 my monthy is 638 so i was going to offer 920 my only worry is is thats its lower than the suspension order in sept which was 1040 but that was the minimus engage would take . I will see if i can email a copy of the budget sheet to you assp if i offer 920 we can still afford that if i ever need to drop a day of childminding
  15. Hi ive just been to the library copied The letters from surgeon and consultant printed off the budget form and the n244 so think im all set once ive attatched it all to the n244 and the witness statement
  16. I can ask my dad to do that he lives a couple of hours away from me but i will ask him
  17. Im on an ipad so dont know how to do it im going to try and set up my old computer now so i can do it that way
  18. I will go to the library today and print it all off I will be able to fill in the budget sheet by hand then and attach it
  19. I will go to the library and print it out this morning I will also print the budget sheet
  20. I was going to the court this morning to get one I don't have a printer but I can pop to my local library
  21. As silly as I sound I'm on an ipad so can't type in the boxes is there anything else I can do?
  22. Yes my dads still happy to give me the 4000 will just grab my payslips etc and do it now thanks
  23. The last order stated that a suspended order was in place but nobody at court said i couldnt go back no. I can be online in the morning yes thanks so much. I have letters from my daughters surgeon and consultant which are for my doctor but they get sent to us too would this be the kimd of thing you mean?
  24. Help with the n244 would be great please ..don't really know what to say in the statement as they are going to think they've heard it all before although the courts not been told about my daughters condition before. On paper it looks like we could have made payments but didn't. Thats definitely not the case it costs a fortune to have a child in hosp. The petrol the parking the pj's the magazines and food and then feeing the whole family at visiting time. It all sounds like excuses but it really does add up. Add to that the fact i haven't been able to take on any children being a childminder its all such a mess and i just know come wednesday we will be homeless. My last suspended order was sept 2013. We were supposed to pay 1040 a momth. I paid sept oct nov but nothing in dec or jan or feb then 820 in march and 1040 in april do i include that? Do i need to tell my lender im applying for a suspension as they told me i cant go to court?
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