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Everything posted by craigyg3005

  1. This you might like to make a sticky. I have just learnt that if the person named on the distress warrant can prove by way of a letter from several source's in my case a G.P that the named person is vulnerable i.e on anti depressants, or medical treatment for stress anxiety. You can send this (Recorded post) letter along with a covering letter requesting that the distress warrant be returned to the issuing court as doorstep collectors, harassing phone calls and red letters are effecting their medical condition. The Bailiffs in this case Collectica / Phillips are NOT allowed to harass someone who is classed as a vulnerable person (funny i imagine all clients feel vulnerable when they arrive) .... anyway they should then return the distress warrant to the original court allowing you to deal direct with the court again and reducing your debt back to the original fine. In my case the amount of money i have paid to the courts and collectica already exceed the original fine so i will no longer owe anything. I believe this is a part of "Calling back the debt" the courts and bailiffs don't freely give out this information simply by chance i have managed to find this out. I pick up my G.P letter within the hour and i will follow the instructions i was giving from the lovely lady at the fines office and hopefully my issue will be resolved very soon. I will update you all as soon as i know the outcome. Hopefully some of you can use this information to your advantage
  2. A little rude i created a thread before saying Hi, So Hi guys names Craig dont normally use these such forums but i have found this one very useful people here with sense and not just hot air bags hopefully i can offer the same
  3. Re: Bailiffs and the power to FORCE ENTRY to enforce unpaid court fines. Hi and thankyou for this information entitled above and posted by tomtubby unable to share the link as i am a new member It has been a great help as i had been misinformed and may have broke the law thanks to the incorrect information out there. I do still have a few questions if you don't mind assisting me. 1: Can Collectica use a distress warrant to collect their fees if the amount of the original court fine has been paid? 2: I read for the collectica bailiff to use forced entry he must suspect the named person on the warrant to be in the premises, if the bailiff knew for certain that person left the property in front of them and then tried to force entry by way of forcing the door open against the tenant after said tenant had shown their tenancy agreement with only said tenant name on it did that collectica bailiff break the law? 3: if the answer to both is yes where do i go to report this as the police say its a civil matter even though i was injured during this ordeal Look forward to hearing from you regards Craig Ps fine is for non payment of fine for no tv licence. Original fine was £127.00 i have paid over £160.00 to date and should only owe £90.50 though the bailiff has now just upped it to £329.50 even though regular payments of £11.00 per week agreed with collectica were up to date. This all seems to have happened because i missed one weeks payment then caught it by paying double the following week, also made the payment the week following again. I am not a non payer but feel i am been extorted and the law appears to be on their side collectica are the miscreants sad world we live in
  4. Hi and thankyou for this information i have a few questions if you don't mind assisting me. 1: Can Collectica use a distress warrant to collect their fees if the amount of the original court fine has been paid? 2: I read for the collectica bailiff to use forced entry he must suspect the named person on the warrant to be in the premises, if the bailiff knew for certain that person left the property in front of them and then tried to force entry by way of forcing the door open against the tenant after said tenant had shown their tenancy agreement with only said tenant name on it did that collctica bailiff break the law? 3: if the answer to both is yes where do i go to report this as the police say its a civil matter even though i was injured during this ordeal Look forward to hearing from you regards Craig Ps fine is for non payment of fine for no tv licence. Original fine was £127.00 i have paid over £160.00 to date and should only owe £90.50 though the bailiff has now just upped it to £329.50 even though regular payments of £11.00 per week agreed with collectica were up to date. This all seems to have happened because i missed one weeks payment then caught it by paying double the following week, also made the payment the week following again. I am not a non payer but feel i am been extorted and the law appears to be on their side collectica are the miscreants sad world we live in
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