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  1. Unfortunately no agency to help, it's a directly between them and me. I spoke with them today and it seems it more a last resort as they have standard disciplinary. coaching etc procedures.
  2. thanks for the link. I guess the question is; Is this legal in the UK, given that I will be emploeyed as a contractor? This is my first time being employed in such a way
  3. Hi Honeybee, thanks for the note Yes I'm from the UK. It's a proper job offer, from a decent US company. However all UK employees (three including me if I accept) are employed as full time contractors. It's just that the at-will caluse makes me nervous.
  4. Hi All, I would really appreciate some advice. I've received an offer letter from a US company which does not have a UK presence. Therefore I will be employed as a contractor and they will help me set up the limited company. The thing is, there is a clause called Employment-At-Will which is apparently normal in the US. It means that either party can terminate employment with no notice and no reason. I guess as a employee proper this would not be legal, however as a contractor is this allowed? Thanks All
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