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  1. O.k finally resolved Spoke to Joanne customer service manager yesterday in relation to closing this all down. She has inturn spoken with Nicola and together they have agreed that the AIO can be closed at a cost of £300 for an early termination by 31/08/2014. Can't thank them enough. Nicola came across a little harsh in her e-mail however speaking with her was a completely different story. She was very helpful listened and has helped resolve this along with Joanne.
  2. Have just received a revised offer. Please let me know what you think. Apparently the AIO finance cannot be part paid albeit AIO advised it could however Carcraft have said that if I pay £300 early termination to All in One they will get the finance completly closed down opposed to having to pay the £639. Thinking it may be worth doing it just to close the matter down albeit I have to decide within 21 days.
  3. Would happily upload them however the scanned images they have sent me cannot be made out in the slightest! Have now spoken with Nicola and she actually seems helpful. Maybe it was just on e-mail it wasn't so good. Going to discuss with AIO and the manager and come back to me Monday. Reexplained the story once more and she seems to understand it a little better so hopefully something will come of it and be resolved in a few days.. Well I can hope!
  4. This is now becoming even more of a joke!!!! So I check the letter and find that a gesture of goodwill when taking the car out due to the manager swearing around us of £50 has actually been charged to me! I received a cheque after a year of fighting of £50 but it would seem that they rolled it into the blackhorse finance. Kick number one. I query this with N Duckett at compliance and request the money back. I don't think this is unreasonable however.... 'We have made you a gesture of goodwill to resolve the matter. However please be mindful that in light of your rejection the offer has now been withdrawn. ' What the hell? I simply questioned this and asked for my money back! She goes on to say my wife signed the paperwork charging the £50 and that was acceptable so now apparently I can't even have the original offer! I have gone back to her and advised that legally I only have authority to discuss the account. Working in Compliance I thought this was quite easy to understand and being I don't have authority to accept or reject the offer I have requested that the offer be reinstated. This isn't unreasonable is it? Final point. I have spoken to AIO Finance who advised that they don't need me to settle the amount. They would be happy if CrapCraft paid the DHG off and they will reduce the term/monthly repayments in respect of this however advised that although Carcraft cannot dictate finance agreements as this is a 'Gesture of Goodwill' they can stipulate that in order to recieve the goodwill I have to pay the outstanding off. Where do I stand with that?
  5. I agree. Personally I feel that they reduced the blackhorse side knowing blackhorse wouldn't finance the guarantee. This way when they offered the Gtee they didn't need to 'sell' me the additional loan as it was already in situ being part of the 'car' finance! They had this seperate loan agreed without consent as we only consented to the car but when it was all rushed through we hadn't thought of it thinking it was a subscription. they have provided paperwork to back up advising it was a loan but nothing to confirm we couldn't cancel at anytime! Sadly as much as I want to fight it I'm being stonewalled constantly
  6. Offer Letter Received: - Pay All In One Finance the Car Amount: - £639.92 before the 4th July If the amount is not paid by 4th July Then the gesture of goodwill will be withdrawn regardless of the fact that I said I wasn't getting rid of the car until at least August! All In One have back tracked a little and advised that the loan is in fact split in 2 with £52 going to the gtee and £22 towards the £800. I have asked if we can simply just pay the £22 as we did borrow it and allow carcraft to write off the gtee. They said that they would look into it and come back to me so hoping for a yes! Overall not the result I wanted as they have thrown a load of signed paperwork at me proving my wife signed the paperwork albeit without actually identifying her but at least it is something and we won't be paying for a gtee we don't have when we buy a new car. I'm still going to see what the Ombudsman has to say about signing under duress however I don't think we will get much luck with the case overall aprt from what we have to date.
  7. ***Update*** I spoke to All in one finance today thinking carcraft are talking rubbish . I was right! The finance was actually taken as a personal loan not part HP and part loan. They have said that the guarantee and car amounts were financed together and also confirmed that Carcraft had lied in regards to the amounts. Carcraft advised that the loan was reducing on 2 counts each month. Part payment towards the gtee and part towards the car itself. They said they got figures from All in One in regards to how much was outstanding on each however All in one deny this! They have advised that yes they have given a settlement figure but this is as one loan. There are no systems to seperate the Car amount and the Gtee amount and in short advised Carcraft were lying! Call Carcraft back . readvised the position and said that the compliance team were writing and to wait. I asked to speak to compliance but apparently noone could speak to me. I asked are they all down the Pub? No theres one guy there was the reply. Can I speak to him. No he replied. After alot of arguing he eventually said he would walk over there. Forgetting to hit the hold button he didn't move away from his desk then came back on the phone after a little fumbling and said he won't speak to you. I asked for the guy he spoke to name but he said I'm not giving that information out. I told him that it seemed odd that he spoke and explained so quick but they wouldn't speak to me and he said well they won't so you'll have to wait for you letter. I asked for the Service Manager to call me back and he said I'll pass on the message. I said so she will call me back then? his reply and I quote 'yeah I imagine so'. This is supposed to be customer service? Whatever happened to treating people like you would want to be treated? In short I'm waiting on my umpteenth call but I can now say with certanty that they will lie as much as possible however I'm hoping I have now caught them out they will just close off the all in one finance. The guy I spoke to over there said he couldn't see why they wouldn't based on the figures and that they have done this many times before so trying to stay positive! Worst case FCA complaint being typed next!
  8. Called Carcraft today... Bored of waiting.. Apparently there is a letter being sent out but nobody can access it's contents to advise what's in it/ The girl believes it's the same as it was but can't be sure and the manager isn't around being the only person within the whole company that knows the answer! Basically nothing to tell me and just have to wait. Have requested it be e-mailed so will update when I know more
  9. Fingers crossed for you. I'm still waiting on the final call back. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for the interest on the Warranty back especially being it was sold as a warranty but it's actually a guarentee which apparently ahs a big difference! They have argued that I used the warranty which I've explained was the reason it was taken but the arguement isn't the whole cost it's simply the amount of interest paid on it. I don't quite understand what it so hard to understand. Yes they may train there staff but giving commision based on these sales will always promote misselling especially when short on target! Will update when I get the dredded call.
  10. I spoke the begginning of last week unless she only deals with complaints on here?
  11. I spoke to Linzi but unfortunately she isn't in complaints any longer! She was great and still made sure I got a call back but sadly the person she passed me to is less than helpful and just kept stone walling me when I asked to speak to a manager. The manager seems slightly better but not getting my hopes up yet!
  12. Thanks for merging. They have told me they don't feel it's been mis sold but would offer the GOGW which I said is great but at the same point it was mis sold. They cleary advised it was cancellable at any time which it couldn't be if it was bought through a loan. Also there was never any verbal agreement consenting to credit scores of a higher amount to have included the Guarentee which at the time was sold as a Warranty but again Cardraft advised that's wrong too! Apparently it couldn't be mis sold as all of their staff are trained to the highest possible level?! I forgot to add the point that during the whole process the manager who sold the car stormed out F-ing and blinding about staff in there slammed things on the desk and walked out mid conversation. I know before anyone says it I should have walked then but we needed a car!
  13. Post edited now with spaces. Sorry for the original block! New to the site
  14. Don't worry I'm like a dog with a bone at the moment just don't want to end up losing out. At the moment I think i'd be shafted which ever way I go. I did find Linzi's number online and called as she was lovely but she now works in marketing so I'm relying on the numpties in complaints. The guy who I spoke to refused to even let me speak to his manager the first time round. the Reply was she will just tell you what I have yet she managed the GOGW now speaking to him again I had the same arguement and then corrected him saying but didn't you say that last time? But wait she did tell me something different so put me through!!!
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