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Everything posted by scarred

  1. Thank you three - you've been very helpful.
  2. Hello, RayKay. I don't know yet - which is the problem with convicting someone in their absence. If the car had been off the road, would s.31A have applied? I think it was likely to be s.29, simply because they scrapped the car. It may well have been both. The car was insured at the time, if that makes any difference. I don't understand how they can convict *and* fine someone whose car they have destroyed.
  3. Thank you for your reply. I didn't think it was part of the public highway at the time (silly I know) - which is why I chose that place. It was a courtyard "off the road" outside some council flats. Like this: (http) c2.staticflickr.com/8/7226/7182151170)00c9ed1971 .jpg With tarmac instead of grass. Several cars were parked there and mine was one of them.
  4. I am at a loss for words. The main facts: My car was due for renewal in 1 week and I had to be away for work. I parked my car in a residential area that I thought was off the road, whilst away for 3 weeks. When I returned, the car had gone. I reported it stolen and was told that the car was impounded. As the tax disc was out of date, the council had the car scrapped. The car was my only mode of transport and had a lot of items with sentimental value in it. Almost four years later (I had moved house during this time) I received a letter from bailiffs saying that I owed £400+ magistrates fine. Apparently I had been convicted in my absence for keeping an unlicensed vehicle. The DVLA would like me to pay £50 extra as a fine to waive the £400+ magistrates fine. They seem to be ignoring the fact that my vehicle and its content were destroyed and discarded. Can they do this? Do I now have a criminal record? Please help.
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