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  1. agreements attached. Would like to add that in no way am I looking to try and get out of paying (as I already have & acc is now closed).
  2. Aww thanks I tried to find the info myself but its a bit confusing. The original agreement didn't but the 2nd agreement did. I only saw this new agreement a few days ago but they said they emailed it to me back in 2012. I have raised a complaint with them but don't know if I have any ground to stand on. Any advice would really be appreciated. Yes I have managed to get both agreements.
  3. Hey, I’m a newbie and not sure if anyone will respond. I had a similar situation with flmquick, I took a £500 loan, and only recently realised I was still paying it (yes, I know how could I miss this). I calculated all the payments of interest totally £1500 alone. The only difference in this situation is that when I signed my agreement it never included the repayment amount that the total cost of credit is based upon. So I contacted to query this as I had thought they would have taken this payment as standard. I was advised that no, they would only take the minimum and that in the new terms (sent 18months after the agreement, which I also never received) the amount of the calculation is quoted as 12 monthly payments of £71.80. I was then advised that they have waived the remaining balance as goodwill and closed the account. I can’t imagine companies like this ever offering to waive balance so am a bit suspicious. My query is – does a loan company legally need to quote the payment amount that their calculation is based upon so that it is clear or does the customer need to work this out for themselves. If it is misleading, do I have a right to complain as they did quote it when they changed the t&c’s?
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