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  1. Hi, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this and just put me a bit more at ease! I received a letter as I see many people have the last few years asking for proof of all childcare payments from April 2013 - April 2014. I have got all this information but there will be some overpayment as my daughter changed nurseries April 2nd 2014 and my son got his free 15 hours as of April 28th 2014. I called many times to update but as with tax credits I was on hold 20-30 minutes at a time. I think my overpayment is around £1000. My question really is how soon after sending information off were claims changed? My only concern is they want this information by the end of this week and my next payment is due a week later. On my payment date I'm due to move house and am just worrying over not knowing exactly what money will be paid in on that day. Do they adjust your claim and immediately take repayments or write to you so you can arrange the repayment amount yourself? My children's father has just been made redundant as well so I am currently not getting any payments from him and cannot afford my income being cut down much in this current situation. Any advise or knowledge from experiences very welcome! Thank you
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