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  1. Hi everyone, just some background info first of all. Around a year ago, i had received my first CCJ, in where i fortunately was able to come to an agreement with Arrow Global over a monthly installment plan. It's all going well, and i have kept up with the monthly payments without fault. Though where i have personally let myself down, is in ignoring a second debt that i had which totalled around £6000. The non correspondence from myself has led to another CCJ being sent through my post today. I am financially able to pay this debt through an installment plan (i can go as high as £150 per month). What i will find impossible to do is pay the debt in full. This leads me to a question which is in the front of my thoughts. When i received my first CCJ a year ago, i might be wrong but i can remember in my research, reading how a second CCJ can be held against you, if trying to agree an installment agreement for a second time. Does anyone who is more knowledgeable than me on this subject, know whether this is true? Will i have issues with the court in agreeing a monthly installment arrangement for my second CCJ? Will they now demand a full payment? Again i might be totally wrong and be mistaken in what i did read a year ago. To rest my mind, i thought i'd ask here to the better informed. Thanks in advance for any help!
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