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  1. Hi I have been considering putting in a claim against NatWest for an unauthorised overdraft charge of around £30. This charge (exact amount as yet unclear) was levied around Oct 2000. Wondering whether it will be worth the time and hassle to put in a claim (possibly needing to use data protection act to find out exact date and amount of charges). Also is it even possible to claim since I am currently living in Scotland. The account was opened in Scotland. I read that the limit in Sctland is 5 years ago. My parents live in England What are your thoughts?
  2. Just wondering is this reclaimable along with your interest and charge?
  3. It's just about under 6 years, thanks Just out of curiosity, what;s the significance of 6 years? Does it have to do with the data protection act? The £10 fee that we pay to get the information... is this refundable (i.e. claimable along with the penalty charges)
  4. Hello folks. Just come across this site and wanted to thank you for bringing hope and justice back to the consumer. You guys are doing a great job! Also a little query, I was charged with a penalty to my newly opened student account with Natwest giving their details to pay for my accomodation instead of my account that had just received my student loan. Yeah so I was penalised £30 or something like that for "administration charges"! Anyway after complaining without much success, i went away in disgust and decided that the only thing I could do was to take away my custom by closing my account with them. Now, coming across your site, maybe I acted in error. Is it too late to claim for the penalty back seeing as the account is now closed and I have not been dealing with them for years? Help and advice much appreciated. Thanks
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