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  1. Others issues have rised but I believe it is now too late for that (hope the defendant could easily demonstrate issue at the court).
  2. Then we will attend. However we've asked the court today to clarify the purpose of the hearing.
  3. My relative received the reply to his defence from the claimant last thursday requesting that we prove some facts and apparently my relative delivered his witness statement with evidence at the court the same day (thursday). However, we do not know if we should attempt the hearing on Thursday since it is supposed to be a court hearing instead of a hearing for our application to set aside and about our defence (especially since my relative has provided the further information\evidence requested).
  4. That was the court. The case is postponed to next Friday since my relative was faster than me and delivered his witness document and evidence directly at the court. However, it seems that the court has changed the court hearing to just a defendant hearing.
  5. We have been told that we can bring it to the court on the day of the hearing. There is a mandatory deadline?
  6. Presently, it is an accelerated possession claim B under section 21 in reference of a previous claim A which was under section 8 and 21 (my relative is claiming invalidity of this last since at the first hearing the court stated that the claim was invalid).
  7. We did not provided a witness statement but a defence by filling the defence and user further douzen sheets as 'DEFENCE (continued)' for this purpose. The court did not ordered anything about this.
  8. I just checked it my relative : presently it is an accelerated possession claim under section 21 in reference to previous claim A. My relative did not serve a witness statement but instead until present we just filed the form and continued this last on others sheets with the heading 'DEFENCE (continued)'.
  9. What do you mean by filing a witness statement after allocation? Do we have to file a further form for this purpose?
  10. Sorry for the delay. We were not sure that the final hearing remained listed. Knowing we've received the Claimant reply to defence only yesterday 13 June 2014 in which he's asking that the Defendant to prove the issues described in his defence do we need permission before filing Witness statement? Can we include pictures of emails inside our witness statement?
  11. The application to set aside is just to guarantee a hearing. Filing a witness statement will be fine by us.
  12. Filing a witness statement (since this last does not need permission) will be fine by me. We will equally inform the court in this witness statement that we need to change the date to leave the premises (in the defence form we wrongly put 02nd June 2014).
  13. We have already sent the application to set aside this order and of course equally sent a copy of this last to the claimant. We don't understand why one allow the Claimant to make an unfair claim + reply to our defence but us we could not file to the court another reply to the claimant reply. Regarding the amendment of our defence I checked it today at our local CAB : we have just to file another defence in full putting 'Amendment of the defence form' on the header of the form.
  14. There are good advice and wrong advice : someone can provide wrong advice thinking he is helping and the last and only payer to this wrong advice will be the person receiving the advice... Thanks for your help. PS : Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that cag earn some money from ads due to traffic created by people asking question/advice in the forum.
  15. As esplained from the start there was mistake and I also advised to my relative to do everything only in writing : one could not rely only on a phone call to the court and this the reason we are wiling to make this application. However, thanks for your opinion and understandings. Ps : you still not have provided the links to your similar discussion with another cagger.
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