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  1. Thanks so much. I hadn't thought of contacting my councillor but my MIL has been helped by him with other matters before so I will get his number
  2. Thanks for everyones help. Also, can they apply to the courts to get a warrant to enter by force and would I receive advance warning of this if they can? I thought that I would receive a summons to appear in magistrates court if I couldn't come to any arrangement
  3. Work part time, only few hours a week, so get WTC/CTC. Have children at home, the youngest is 8 though. I have paid around £30 altogether , but direct to Rossendales not the bailiff
  4. I know I owe the council a little over £100, but with the new fees he added it is over £300 now
  5. They told me not to let them in. I have never let them in and i have no car so they have no levy on my goods. Those fees you quoted are correct yes.
  6. Thanks, I will send that and take all bailiffs letters to CAB as they have said they will speak to council on my behalf. In the meantime are they allowed to use force to get into my home?
  7. Hi, I wonder if anyone could please give me some advice. Back in March I was visited twice by a bailiff for council tax debt. There were 2 smallish fees added to the amount owed each time. I told the bailiff I would not let him in and Rossenadales would not accept the amount I could afford to pay each month. I wanted it sent back to the council. I don't own any vehicle for him to take. I am visiting CAB tomorrow to see if they can help with this. Last week he came back I ignored the door but the letter he put through the door had the new fee of around 200 and the previous fees had been removed. Which would be the correct fees please? Can he just remove the original fees and apply the new ones? Also I know the law has changed regarding bailiffs since April. Can they now force entry for council tax debts? Last time I spoke to the bailiff he said they would be able to use a locksmith once the new laws were in place. I am very worried about this. Thanks for any help
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