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Everything posted by THNX4THT

  1. Hi, there hasn't been major adaptation, my GP and Soical Worker and O.T. all agreed I needed a stair lift and wet room, but as I am single living in a 3 bedroom house, now my children have left home, even though I pay bedroom tax, they wouldn't do the adaptations. I have a social worker as I have carers to help with domestic and personal care, I have a few diagnosis, but Agoraphobia is certainly a struggle, which I've had for 8 years now, I go out with carers for 7 hours per week over 2 days, the lack of human contact is doing nothing for my depression but my Autism hampers me from being in too big a crowd of people...it's all a bit of a nightmare. Companionship is what I need and as I have a meeting with my Social Worker on Monday 1st October, I will be able to discuss the situation with her. It's all a bit up in the air atm, my friend hasn't yet left New Zealand, he's selling up to move back to the UK, it's not just my needs that need to be met, I just have all this uncertainty of when, let alone where! Thanks for the information and I'll discuss it with my Social Worker :o)
  2. I had planned to keep everything in my name as you suggested, but I hope I wouldn't need to chuck him out, having lost contact for 22 years, that would seem a shame having only made contact recently
  3. "Jumping through hoops" I could drag myself through some I guess lols. We were together once, perhaps a year, but that was 33 years ago and since then he's been married, now divorced. This is all very theoretical at this stage, I mean we haven't seen each other in 22 years, so will be taking it all rather slowly, i.e, visiting me at mine for a week, then seeing if we still get on face to face after such a long gap....we might, after all this, hate each other altogether and the last thing either of us want would be to end up living in the same place, not being able to stand the sight of each other lols
  4. Thanks for replying :o) Yes, he would be financially independent, he's 62 at present and plans to travel before finding somewhere to share a place in the UK. Ok, I will keep documents and advise him to do the same. I would imagine the housing association place or council place would be in my name as I would either be doing a mutual exchange or requesting a transfer based on my health conditions. Thanks again for contacting me with your advice
  5. I will do my best to ask my question without making it too complicated. I have 14 separate diagnosis. I live currently in the home I raised my children in, which was recently transferred from the council to a housing association. All my children have left home. I have carers coming in to help with personal care and domestic tasks and taking me out into the community, i.e. shopping, coffee out, for 7 hrs per week, the remainder of the time I am at home, in doors and extremely lonely. It is having a real impact on some of my diagnosis. I have a friend that is returning from outside the UK after 14 years and they are hoping to return to their home town in Yorkshire. I live in the south east and I would like to be able to share a 2 bedroom flat or house with him in Yorkshire for companionship. There is no relationship other than friends between myself and this person who happens to be male. We have known each other for 33 years. At home I feel as if I am just waiting for the inevitable....I have social services involvement but what I want to know is this....Is it possible to move to Yorkshire and move in with a friend that would for my benefit reduce the amount of care I would require, reduce and potentially stop some conditions from occurring and have a normal happy life as much as possible, without being accused as him being my partner? Thanks
  6. I didn't realise you could do your own deed poll, saving the cost of expensive solicitors Thank you so much for the information
  7. In August 2000, after divorcing my husband I kept my marital name. I now want to revert back to my maiden name, can I just go back to it or will I have to pay for a deed poll to change my name to my maiden name? If I have to pay to change my name, how much will this cost?
  8. Hi, thanks for the info, I was just going by what PIP told me. But I'll let my daughter know :o) But come to think of it, she doesn't get the mobility bit anyway, so in this case ( not that you knew that ), it won't make a difference to her :o)
  9. I spoke to PIP and they didn't mention anything about not being able to get the mobility component. I guess as we're still in the EU, it appears we get both. If this changes in anyway, I'll re-post, but I guess I'll have to wait to see what payment is deposited into her account, but I will let you know if there are any changes in the amount :o)
  10. OH DEAR, UK begins to leave the UK on 29th March.....idiot that I am, I'm sure you all know I meant the EU, but I don't know how to edit that post. So UK is leaving EU on 29th March 2019.
  11. For anyone else reading this....I have just rung PIP, they have confirmed that their website is updated regularly. UK begins to leave UK on 29th March 2019, and the website states the following : "There will be no change to the rights and status of UK nationals living in the EU while the UK remains in the EU". Now why couldn't they have chosen a date to co-inside with 5th April, the ending of the UK tax year. I don't know if that would make any difference, but just in case it would :o)
  12. Well that's what I thought but as we're not out of the EU yet and it says if you move residents to Spain e.g., then you can still claim your DLA or PIP as we're in the EU still, well atm . She's concerned she may have to pay it back, but then I guess they wouldn't be paying it in if they know. But she had difficulty in letting them know as she doesn't speak Spanish, nor knows anyone that does...so sending something recorded delivery was a tad hard to achieve as even the staff in post offices in Gibraltar only speak Spanish and that's what PIP demanded. They eventually accepted an email sent to my email address and I sent it from the UK on her behalf but from the UK. BUT....Thank you for your answer, I wasn't quite expecting that reply, but you made me feel very intelligent via my daughters situation. So really its nothing to do with me, I just take the glory cos I posted the question :o) thanks x
  13. My daughter has moved to Spain in March 2018. She has notified PIP of her new address, will this affect her entitlement at present as we are still in the EU until next March, as I understand it when the beginings of leaving the EU begins?
  14. Thanks will really appreciate any light anyone can shed on it, cos I'm stunned to say the least
  15. I don't think so, as the room wouldn't be touched, it would still be a 3 bedroom house. All they would be altering would be the bathroom itself, not changing anything to the bedrooms at all. The stair lift wouldn't change anything to the bedrooms either. Its just a straight stair case that leads to the landing, almost to the bathroom door (By the way, I love your cat, with its headphones, almost drowning it by size comparison.... it has cheered me up immensely !!!)
  16. My GP and an OT applied to the council for adaptations to be made to my home (wet room and stair lift). I live in a 3 bedroom house, my eldest 2 children having now left home. My youngest daughter has her room, I have mine and the L shaped minute box room I pay Bedroom Tax for each week. The council have stated that I can not have the adaptations made to my home as I am under occupying the house I live in......The problem is, my diagnosis. They seem to have overlooked as to why I can't move house. They make it sound as if I choose to live here. I certainly didn't choose to have all 12 diagnosis that I have, which makes it impossible to move. I wont list them all, I can if it helps with answering my post, but I will mention High Functioning Autism, Non Epileptic Attack Disorder, and the reasons I needed a wet room in the first place.....Chronic Pain Syndrome (feet, ankles and calf's) Sciatica and Arthritis of my right hip.... I feel as if I am being penalized for the same reason twice. I have to pay bedroom tax for that box room in order to stay where I am and yet the council are using that very same reason as to why I can't have the adaptations, for a room that I'm paying for. It just doesn't sound right to me. Anyone got any ideas? Is it right????
  17. Thank you so much, I have to say that was the speediest answer to a thread Ive ever seen.....Many thanks :o)
  18. My daughter is 17, almost 18 (November 2015).....When she started her 6th form years in 2014, ie years 12/13, I guess, she started at college but due to ill health she had to leave. She is on her way to recovery and has with any luck been given the opportunity to do an apprenticeship at a shop near where we live. Does she qualify for Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit? The Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit ended some time ago, as she was not in education, not by choice, but that didn't seem to matter. She gets PIP for herself, which I take no money from her, as thats for her condition....The problem is, I get ESA and DLA for myself and no money for her. so my benefit for one person is now split into 2, for myself and my daughter and has been for some time now. Do only "some" apprenticeships warrant Child Benefit and/or Child Tax Credit? Or do apprenticeships not count as education? ( I know you need to be in receipt of child benefit to get child tax credit) but I don't really know what to do. I'm hit by the bedroom tax, £15.55 pw, I have to pay £72pw towards my care, I just wondered if there was any shimmering light of hope at the end of a tunnel, where I might get some help? Anyone got any ideas?
  19. She has Anorexia Nervosa. Has been for many years but diagnosed formally about a year ago. The letter states: "I've decided you're entitled to the Daily Living Component of PIP at the standard rate of £54.45 a week from 24th March 2015 to 3rd June 2019 (both dates included)". "Although you're entitled, you can't be paid the Daily Living Component of PIP from 24th March to 30th May (both dates included) as you've been in hospital or a similar place". Under "How we'll pay you it states : We'll pay you ££ into your account on 17th June. This is for the PIP that we owe you from 24th March 2015 to 9th June 2015. This covers all arrears due to you. The back pay is less than £100. I didn't think it was right that someone could lose their entitlement over 2 days in hospital a matter of 2 weeks ago, it makes no sense to me. Fingers are well and truly crossed on the input error!!! lol As far as I can tell, the back pay is in fact from, 31st May up until 9th June I just don't understand why being in hospital for 2 days at the end of May stops her from PIP entitlement before, ie from 24th March up until 29th May (29th May when she went in to hospital and they've recommenced the payment from 31st May).Thanks for reply, fingers crossed its a slip of the finger, an input error as you say!
  20. Thanks for replying : Yes, the problem initially started when she was about 10, but was formally diagnosed about a year ago. She has been awarded the PIP for 4 years. Another hospital admittance has been put on hold by CAMHS in the hope she can be cured within the community rather than hospitalization.
  21. My daughter (aged 17) has just been awarded standard rate care for P.I.P Her claim starts from 24th March. She was admitted into hospital for 2 1/2 days....29th May to 31st May, 31st May being the day she returned home. She has received a letter to say that she will receive back payment but not from 24th March the start date of her claim but 31st May. She was expecting £600 and now she has been told her back pay is £78.41 for period 31st May till 9th June. Is this right??? I understand that if you're admitted into hospital you wont get care component for the time you spend away from home, but should'nt that just be for the length of time you're in hospital? Anyone got any ideas??? ps Im ringing them on Monday, but just thought Id ask in case this is correct, it just doesn't sound right to me!
  22. Hiya back again.... My daughter has Anorexia Nervosa and Depression. She isn't in full time education as she has become too weak to do any work. She's 17 and weighs around 39kg (that's a bit over 6 stone). I wanted to apply for Personal Independent Payment. She's had difficulties with her eating since she was about 9, but in the past 18 months - 2 years she now has severe Anorexia Nervosa and we are waiting to see if she is going to be hospitalized. Would she be able to get P.I.P? I mean, does her diagnosis warrant P.I.P? It is a nightmare. Trying to buy the right sort of foods that she will eat, throwing food away or just not being able to get her to eat at all. She might fancy a takeaway and I jump at it, just so she eats something. The thing is, she had to leave college, she was too exhausted to attend and couldn't concentrate. I've been told by child tax credit that even though she intends to return to education in September, they only allow 3-6 months for illness and as its 7 months to September, she no longer qualifies for Child Tax Credit or probably Child Benefit. This means I have to support her on my DLA and ESA. Not that I mind, but what could be worse for the benefit system to do? Take away the money that pays for the food that she needs to get well again,....... WTG Guys!!! Sorry I'm ranting again lol Believe it or not, my actual question is, is Anorexia Nervosa and Depression are they a meritable reason to claim PIP??? Anyone got any ideas, please share Cheers :o)
  23. Thank you both for your information. I opened the link and even I understood it! I am Autistic and if I have to move into supported living at a later date, once my daughter is old enough, I wonder if they would consider that to be a worthy reason other than death. I shall ring and ask. Cheers. What a great site this really is.
  24. Are the laws different to England? I can only but ask, but thanks anyways
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