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Everything posted by Matt925b

  1. Good afternoon all, my name is Gabby, and I am posting on behalf of Matt, who has posted on here a few times. Matt's health is not so good, and he is recovering from a recent operation. We are both aware of his complaint, and I am going to try and deal with it on his behalf. We received the offer of less than half, and turned it down. Since this point, we have heard nothing back. I do appreciate there is a wealth of knowledge in these here forums, but wondered if somebody could point me in the direction of instructions for small claims proceedings and their costs. If you would prefer to contact me via a private message, please don't hesitate to do so. Thanks for your assistance, Gabby on behalf of Matt
  2. Hi there, I have received my letter, offering me a little less than half of my cash, and wondered if anybody had a letter to say, 'Who do you think you are kidding Mr Barclays?' From time to time I have seen a version in the threads, but wondered if you fine folks had a perfectly worded letter than I can use.
  3. Hi there, So, I just got my letter offering me just under half of my claim. Before I send my letter saying no way, can anybody tell me if Barclays has closed their account after paying out? There have been a couple of threads where people have mentioned that it takes them a while to get round to this, but has anybody actually had it happen? Cheers, Matt
  4. Start thinking of what you are going to spend your money on! Life is good!
  5. Hey, thanks so much for the answer. I will get back on the phone and explain that now. Where I am in my claim now, (which will be continued by my girlfriend, as my health is failing) is that I have sent off the LBA, giving them 14 days to return my money. Money claim online next, and then hope that Keith gets on the phone to offer me a fistful of dollars.
  6. Hi there. Having had no response from Barclays since a standard delaying letter on June 15th, I called up customer services this morning. The number I was given for a Mike Brophy 0207 116 4037, is never answered and instead goes to a Joanne Carney's voice mail, which is never acknowledged/answered. When I called, I was told that working with the guidelines set down by the financial ombudsmen, they were entitled to 8 weeks to deal with a complaint. Now, my work before I had to retire due to ill health (at the ripe old age of 29!, I thought only footballers could retire that young!) was for a government agency, so I am aware of laws regarding taping phone calls, and I did indeed tape this call. What are you opinions. Is there something we are missing here? Is this a new defense, or are they just lying to me?
  7. Well done, I am really happy for you. It is so nice to read someone's success story, as it makes it all seem more real somehow. Have a good weekend.
  8. OK, not your usual thread here, but it is important, so I wonder if any of you have any advice/input. I have sent my letter before action, but am yet to get a reply from Barclays. My main worry is that my health is not good and heading south by the day. Now my brother has complete access to my financial accounts, as does my girlfriend, and I was wondering if this action could be continued by either of them in the event of the worst happening. I figure if they can access my account, they should be able to continue this action. If not, the bank wins, and it is one of those things, but I have managed to clear up a lot of my debts, and this money (£1550) would be a kind of final thank you. Anybody have any ideas? Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  9. Yeah, these moderators are so slow getting back to me, I demand my money back! This is an amazing site, and I am glad it exists. Thanks to everybody for making this site what it is.
  10. Hi Rooster, thanks for the reply. I guess what I am asking, is if anybody has received a full settlement PRIOR to going down the money claim route. At present my health is quite bad, and the money claim charges will be a huge chunk out of what money I have left, so I was hoping I could make the Barclays crew realise that I am not going to take their bumph, and I want my money.
  11. So, I just got off the phone with customer relations (Barclays, London), who were more candid than anybody I have ever spoken to at a financial institution! When I advised of my intent to claim, she said, and I quote "not another one!" She then went on to advise that she has personal dealt with over 100 of these this week, and that they are hiring temp staff to help comb people's accounts. Surely this must be having a huge drain on their productivity. The nicest part of all this, was that I was able to talk freely. I dialled a direct number, and discussed my account freely, with her never taking my name, number, sort code, account number. She was actually quite friendly, and seemed genuinely sympathetic, but it won't stop me going for the whole amount. The thing that I would REALLY like to know, is just how much exactly has been given back by the banks, and how are they feeling at this precise moment. I have only recently been posting here, but have been lurking a while, and really enjoy reading peoples success stories. Keep up the good work, and have a safe weekend.
  12. Cool, it would seem like it is your round then! Seriously, well done. I hope that I have news like this to report, and a donation will be winging its way through. I have read through your thread, and it would seem that it took three months from start to finish? Is that average do you know? Cheers, and once again, well done.
  13. Hi there. I have just come off the phone with Barclays, who are giving me the run around. It seems as if this is going to go all the way, which is something I am dreading, as I am quite ill, and can do without a lot of this hassle. Can you answer (I have read through past threads) who has gone the furthest with this, and who has got 100% of THEIR money back from Barclays? I am owed £1550, but would accept £1300 (I know, I am dreaming!) and wondered if others would mind sharing this information. Cheers, Me
  14. Hi Tom, thanks for the quick reply. I have been through a lot of the old threads, and I have checked the survey results, but I was wondering how many people had taken the first offer. This site is an incredible resource, and one I know the banks are watching (my friend works for Lloyds, and says this site is a hot topic, so PLEASE hide real names) and I was just wondering, if people could tell me what they settled for in respect to claims regarding Barclays. I have literally just started my claim, having only sent the letter last week, and was just hoping it would be settled as quickly as my brothers HSBC claim, but it looks like that won't be the case. Cheers, Matt
  15. Hey folks, I am new to this forum, and have searched the FAQ's and previous posts, but I have a question to pose that perhaps you can help with. I posted my LBA last week, received a brief reply saying my complaint is being looked into (along with ANOTHER set of statements for some reason!) and giving me a number for Joanna Carvey, who doesn't ever pick up, or it seems, check her voicemail. Now, I have filed a claim for £1550. My brother filed a claim for £982.00 from HSBC, and they offered him £882.00, which he accepted. It seems as if Barclays make a lot smaller first offer, and I was wondering if there was a way would could collate peoples claimed amounts against the first offer from Barclays. I apologise in advance if this has been asked before, and if it has, please can you point me in the direction of this thread. To be honest, my financial situation is such, that if Barclays were to offer £1200 upwards, I would accept. I know the money is mine, but I am not up for a huge fight, which I know is what the banks are banking on (pardon the pun) but this is just a fact of life. Feel free to PM me if you would prefer, but I would like to work out a rough idea of what I am likely to be offered from Barclays. Many thanks, and keep up the good work.
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