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  1. Hi, In March I took out 2 addition mobile phone contracts with Vodafone and as part of the agreement I would be able to share the data from my existing contract onto these new contracts, and this data share would just continue even after the upgrade on my existing contract that was due in May. (As written on the T&C's I signed) I therefore, arrange the upgrade on my original contract earlier this week and was assured again during the upgrade process the on the 42 per month iphone contract (1gb data) that I would be able to continue to share the data. Then after recieving the upgrade I was unable to access the internet on ANY contract, after numerous calls to vodafone I was then told that I had previously been given incorrect information and the as the 42 per month contract is not a RED contract I would not be able to share the data.. I was then told I would have to upgrade to the 47 per month contract (3gb data). So I went ahead with the upgrade and was assured that I would have the data sharer on the account. HOWEVER, I am still not able to access the internet on ANY phone. I have spoken to vodafone everyday since and after being passed from department to department each time I was told that there has been no data assigned to the account and that due to this the internet access has been barred. I was then told this had been resolved and I would be able to access the internet on all handset again. This works until midnight that night, at which point I receive a test message on all phones saying I have used all my data allocation and that I wont be able to access the internet until I buy more data - I have actully only used 88.60mbs of my 3gb allowance!!! This has happened everyday since my upgrade and everytime I call vodafone I get told the same thing.. Its fixed and you will be able to access the internet... That works until midnight everytime. I called vodafone again today and was told that they dont know what is causing the problem or how to fix this. Its apparent that vodafone can't honour the terms of the contract that was purchased but when I try to cancel the contracts I am told they will charge me the termination fee. How can I resolve this because I am not prepared to pay to cancel the contracts when this is a vodafone error that they cannot permanently fix... and I am not prepared to phone vodafone every day like I have done for the passed week. I am beyond annoyed now!! Update: I have now emailed vodafone using the link in the forum and received an auto reply with ref: 6880383
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