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Everything posted by rlss

  1. Unfortunately all of the pages show nothing regarding why is my score lowered. I've emailed the VM executive team and they seem to be looking forward to resolve the issue.
  2. My credit score is about 580 and it sits between Poor and Fair. Is there a way to see why is the reason for that? This seems kinda inadequate...
  3. So I'll be in some kind of register of naughty customers and if I want to get a loan out of a bank I would not be able to do it in the next 6 years? Would you suggest that I just pay the £40 and forget about...?
  4. When are they going to do that... and why are the mobile phone companies related?
  5. Thanks for the replies. I will update my address asap... what do you mean that my credit file could be damaged for 6y by the mobile phone companies?
  6. Good to know. But another thing is that they don't have my current address as I've moved out from the last one...
  7. Unfortunately I can't find the contract as I was in a different property by the time and I might have left it there with the idea that everything would be ok after I paid the last bill. After checking their website it seems that the standard procedure would be to notify them 30 days before wanting it to be terminated, but I feel that I was mislead by the representative in their office who told me it would be terminated after 9 months (the obvious idea behind a student contract). However, this could be my mistake that I haven't done my research and reading of the whole contract, but again I felt confident about this after making a few obvious questions about the nature of this type of contract. I haven't answered since the first call and I wonder if I should even pick up the phone. My flatmates told me I have nothing to worry about and I shouldn't pick up, but I still think I might end up in some trouble.
  8. Hi everyone, I have had a student contract with VMedia that has expired before the summer and now I'm receiving daily calls from 08451400500. I've had the chance to answer them once and despite the strange accent that the guy had, he wanted me to confirm my address, which I did not remember by the time of the call and he said he'll call me later (prob wanted to check if I'm the person they are looking for). After talking to VM online chat they were very certain that I need to pay a month extra, after the contract has ended as I didn't notify them about cancelling the contract 30 days before it ended, they started charging me every month after the contract period. A fun fact is that when I was signing the contract, the guy at their office was 100% certain that this contract will be terminated after the 9 months as I wanted to make sure I won't be having any issues after its period. The funnier thing is that my online account with them seems to be disconnected long ago, but I have bills for a couple of months which somehow end up as £40 that I owe them (this is supposed to be the price per month). I had my sleeping pattern upside down the past week, so I was alseep when I was receiving the calls from that debt agency,but I can see that they've been trying to call. Could you suggest what would be the best thing to do?
  9. I've just sent the letter today, addressed to the Clerk in duty and the letter was starting with "To the attention of the District Judge" and my reference numbers... : x
  10. I'd like to give it a try, on the letter from the police it says that if I do a early plea of guilty I might get a reduced charge... So if I'm addressing the Magistrates Court I should address it to the attention of the District Judge?
  11. Hello people and thank you very much for the help you've provided. I have one last question, who should I address my letter to? I think of posting it tomorrow, but I don't really know should I put some reference numbers on it, should it be to some judge and etc.?
  12. So in that case it would be the best to have the money on the day of the court, so if I get some charge to pay I deal with it on the day? I'm trying to leave this away from my parents, where I'll be going when I leave...
  13. Would it be possible to pay the fine from abroad? My rental contract ends in the middle of June and I will be going back home...
  14. On the letter that I've received from the police it says that I might get a discount for early plea of guilty. Which is another concern for me, because I live with about £200-£250 a month, as I'm not working and am supported by my parents... and am trying to keep this away from them, because I'm really ashamed of my stupidity.
  15. Thank you for your reply. I don't seek help to get myself off the technicality, I just want to make clear of how is the whole procedure working. I believe it would be better to have a solicitor representing me, rather than reading the letter all shaky and stuttery in front of the court. I will edit my letter tomorrow and will probably send it to the court soon. I wonder if I will be too late with my "early plea", because of my frustration of writing it down properly...
  16. Hello and thanks for replying... I will include the things you've mentioned like that it was out of my character and that how it would affect my future. The thing that is left unclear for me is whether I'm supposed to meet a duty solicitor at the day of the court or it is possible to go there different day and talk to him. I've red as well that duty solicitors are usually busy with people in custody for example and it seems to me to be unlikely to have their attention for such a crime... Thank you once again.
  17. Hello and thanks for the answer, but I'm not sure what do you mean with getting refereed for counseling to tackle my life issues? What kind of proof would I need for such things that I've mentioned? And what would I prove with it?
  18. Would I be able to meet him in other day, because my court time is early in the morning?
  19. Should I speak with him on the day of the court or I could go there and find him and talk about it? And what could he do? Read my letter and give suggestions?
  20. Thank you, I don't know what would I get from CAB, because I feel that right now I might know what would possibly happen. I have written an apology letter and really don't know if the format is adequate and is what I said is right... so if you could take a quick look at it and tell me what you think I would appreciate it a lot. Any constructive critiques are welcome.
  21. Thank you for your answer. Is it my responsibility to offer mitigation to the judge? I thought I will be going there just to give explanations and what I plea and to hear their decision. I have started saving some money to cover a fine of around that size, so I believe I could be able to pay it after the court. I want to ask you people is there any place where I can see an example of how should I format a letter to the judge explaining the situation and peading guilty about my mistake. I have never dealt with such a situation before and I don't want to look like a fool in their eyes...
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