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Everything posted by keiko78

  1. I've now been back to their office for my appointment with the Employment adviser with absolutely no mention of the appointment with the physio! So how can they help me without an assessment?!! I don't want to hijack anybody elses thread, so I'm going to open a new thread to put my voice out there for others to see how the new Ingeus 'steps to work' process doesn't seem to be working for people who are medically unfit.
  2. @ Asleep In Wonder Thanks very much for your post. I've had more time today to follow up on the websites you've mentioned and I've found this physio is only registered on one website which was HCP. So she's either been thrown off the others or hasn't kept up her membership but is still making out she's a member. It is shameful that organisations don't act upon complaints and physios can still practice outside of an organisation. *Shakes head in disbelief*
  3. I've searched Trust online in the Orders & Judgements section and I'm pleased to find there is nothing registered. But what if a CCJ was registered prior to these 6 years? I guess I can't check anywhere prior to 6 years can I? I found this article through Googling 'statute barred'. http://www.debtwatchdog.com/statute-barred-debt-england-and-wales-Article-215.html So have I got this right? If a CCJ has been registered before (but not currently on the list) this means statue barred does't apply, so the loan company could pester him in the future. But if a CCJ has never been registered before statue barred does apply, the loan company could still pester him in the future but would only be successful if he was to admit he owed them in the first place.
  4. Sounds like my kind of price, I'll head over there and have a peek. Thank you.
  5. No there's no linked addresses, we've had a look through all the different sections. We've had to edit his current profile address on Noddle to an old one where he had the loan so that when it does a monthly update it will show anything outstanding at his previous address.
  6. Ahh okay thanks. It looks like a clear Noddle report at current address but need to check on a previous address which seems to take a further month to obtain on this account. Then hopefully we will know if there were any court actions.
  7. Thanks for your replies, I'll check his Noddle credit file. (Having a look at the moment... it wants to identify him by his bank card and wants numbers is this normal?) No I'm not getting any letters, phew! I'm so glad to hear there is no right of entry to a residential address. I had contemplated I could get stress at my front door. Big phew! There has definitely not been any payments made. This 'statute barred' looks very interesting.
  8. @ Will lliw, my friend has kindly helped me upload the scanned copy of the consent form on their photo thingamegig please do take a peek , is it the same as the form you were asked to sign? http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x351/MaulIce/IMG_0002_zps274791c5.jpg
  9. Hello The Specialist Advisor at the education centre I go to has been non existant in supporting me. A snooty email or two and an email survey is all I got this academic year. She is the only one supposed to help me because of my condition. Can I request that somebody else less qualified support me instead who doesn't specialize in my condition? And can I request that she has no further input in my support? And that my profile be removed from her care? I hope this makes enough sense it's late and I'm getting tired now A little advice would be appreciated, thanks.
  10. HI I'm a part time student on ESA. The Job Centre are aware of this, I asked them for advice as I was looking to studying an Access course, I got none, but they kindly sent me a change of circumstances form. I'm going to the interview soon and will ask to do the full time course part time because I'm unable to study full time. I'm worried my ESA will stop because I'm studying an Access course. Can the Job Centre do this? Do I have to prove this is therapeutic study somehow? Thanks
  11. Hi Just wondering if anybody has experience with Social services for personal health care budget for MH conditions? I'm wondering how sucessful applications are for educational courses. I can't afford to pay for any more courses and it is helping me access my community. Any info would be a great help, thanks.
  12. Hi I'm trying to help my partner, who's been living with me but has ignored debts of approx £10k for a minimum of 6 years which accumulated before my partner arrived in my life. My partner with encouragement has tried general counselling but it wasn't long enough time spent to get to the root of the problem. Is reluctant to seek further help. With a MH condition I'm wondering if it might be possible though to get MIND to help.... Doesn't want to file for bankrupcy though. Been out of work, then my carer so can't afford to pay loans back. Is there a risk at my home of bailiffs? Are there any other options I can steer my partner towards? Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
  13. @ Asleep In Wonder. I was concerned she wasn't suitably qualified for my type of condition but she insisted that as she's a Physiotherapist she could deal with physical and mental issues because they are often interlinked. She has the following after her name. B.Sc(Hons), MCSP, HPC Reg, AACP, OCPPP. I'd never thought to complain to the professional bodies where she's registered. So if I go on each site it will tell me if she's still registered to practice through them?
  14. Agreed Belfaster it is none of their business and only my care team should be dealing with my health. Grrr they just infuriate me. I've never been able to work because of my condition, my care team have helped me get out to a part time course which is challenging every time I go. My condition is quite complex and it isn't going to be better in 12 months time, so I just hope at the end of this I won't be mandated back into this time wasting programme. With vulnerable people (especially those who don't have a care team/official support of some kind) I hate to think how many are losing their way because of the harsh regime found at Ingeus.
  15. @ Jasta11, hmm a complaint may well be in order, especially if it goes badly this week. They have 2 HCP's, one is a Physical Health advisor (who I spoke to) and the other is a Mental Health advisor. Yep I surely have the right to ask for another advisor, I'll keep this in mind when the Employment advisor asks what went wrong.
  16. A very good point you've raised Asleep In Wonder about coercive practice. They ignore the fact that I'm doing the best I can to get well in a way that is tailored to fit my condition but they treat me as if I'm capable of work and I've never been able to work! When I've said "Well this is surely counterproductive coming here as it's distracting me from what I'm doing with my care team." They came back with "Well we'll happily talk to them and work with them"
  17. Lol thanks for your reply Mr P I couldn't help but laugh, what great ammunition for this week Brilliant thanks!
  18. Hi, I'm a total newbie here and getting the urge to post as I'm getting to a similiar point with an Ingeus 'Steps to work' HCP. I'm on ESA in the WRAG and I wouldn't sign their consent form either. So I thought this was a good place to post? So here goes, I was asked to complete an assessment which I did so they could help me, then the HCP said that to store my information I needed to sign a consent form. I skimmed it, didn't like it and declined to sign as it wasn't just to store my information, it was to give consent for them to do other things like contact my G.P and other health practitioners to get more information on my condition. The HCP got in a right huff because she wasn't able to persuade me. Saying things like "Nobody else in the 2 1/2 years I've worked here has ever had a problem" and "I'm not asking you to sign your civil rights away!". GRRR. The HCP also said "I can't help you anymore because you won't sign." Anyway I didn't sign and I took the form away with me (I'll try and post it here soon). Then a letter came in the post stating that I'm going back to see the 'Employment advisor' in 6 weeks time. My time is now up, I go back to Ingeus this week and I'm wondering after reading your post as to whether they will attempt to persuade me again or what? I'm easily stressed and don't need their games. I'm mandated to be here for 2 years. I've got 1 year left and I'm already doing work related activity to get better! GRRR They are so frustrating aren't they??
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