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  1. Hi Dx cheers, You did say to ignore them.. . I suppose I'm just worried about them hassling my family back in the UK or turning up at my front door.. . But maybe I'm paranoid.. . You really think they won't come after me?
  2. Hi all, Another question about Erudio and student loans.... Background: I posted back in May 2014 about the deferment of my three mortgage style students loans taken out from 1998-2001. Like everyone I was annoyed that SLC loans were sold off and equally (removed) that they messed around with the deferment forms. after a bit of a struggle I successfully deferred . Also, I live in France - I've been working here for ten years. Back in May 2015 I applied to defer again, but I never heard back from them. at the end of June 2015, I got a letter telling me I was behind on my payments. To be honest I ignored it - I had received a couple of letters telling I was behind on payments when I deferred the previous year - so I figured it was much the same. Then I get more of the same in January, but the is letter dated december 2015... by this point it starts to become clear that there really is a problem deferment was obviously not accepted.. why I don't know. unfortunately I wasn't really on the ball and I let things slide. Over the last 18 months the company I was working for was going under, and with my wife we had a number of health problems. The company, finally went bust at the end of May, and I am now unemployed. the next thing I get from Erudio is a notice of default, dated the 24/05/16 which I didn't get until the 14/06/16... . telling me I need to pay £3081 by the 21/06/16. Which I didn't have. After receiving the default notice I frantically start going through all the paper for Erudio and I send them an email on the 20/06/16 explaining my situation and saying that I couldn't pay that amount. I said I could pay around 1100 GBP and possibly a little more if they could wait until the end of the month. I also asked for their bank details so I could make a transfer. They didn't reply. on 06/07/16 I receive a "termination letter" (which they've dated 22/06/16) giving me 7 days to repay the totality of my loans, around £4400. Obviously, I don't have that money and given the date I received the letter of termination it simply wasn't possible to pay within their 7 day deadline... . Now I've had problems with letters from Erudio before and they clearly pre-date the letters by a couple of weeks - in some case I can prove that by comparing the date on the postage stamp and the date on the letter have repeatedly asked them to send all letters by recorded delivery, they never do... sent them another email on the 06/07/16, forwarding the previous one they still haven't replied to again I say that I wanted to make a payment and find a way to "resolve this situation", but again I'm unemployed etc also say that I specifically asked for their accounts details in my last email so I could make a payment .again ask for their account details .. I point out that i can't make a payment otherwise... I also got a bit (removed about the fact they issued a termination letter apparently 2 days after I contacted them about making a payment. .. but still haven't replied... Question: fun and games. That's was just the background, sorry it's a bit long. I am actually trying to play ball and pay as much as I reasonable can . My question really, is what happens next? What are they likely to do? What can/ should I do?
  3. I'll have another look through my loan documents tonight to confirm that they are indeed Mortgage style loans and I'll try and upload a scan of the terms and conditions on the back of the deferrement form if people think that would be useful?
  4. Cheers everyone! Dx - Yes, I have three loans with the SLC, the first was taken out in 97. They have always been treated as the same "type" of loan when I've been dealing with the SLC (and I have made repayments in the past) and on the letter from Erudio they refer to them as mortgage type loans.. I think... I'll have to double check that later but I'm sure I'm right. Silverfox - That's interesting, so does change pre-98 / post-98 change affect all types of loan i.e. does it effect the mortgage type loans and the new ones or just the new type loans? Though on my defferrement form there's only one box to sign at the end... and in the section on conditions which follows they mark "Warning Fair processing notice in relation to applications for deferrals. In order to check your application to defer payments on your student loan and in accordance with the terms set out in the original credit agreement, we have the right to undetake (their spelling mistake) checks to confirm hat you are eligible for deferment. Accordingly therefore by submitting this application you confirm that you consent for Erudio to perfom relevant checks at credit reference and fraud prevention agencies. If your application for deferral is accepted , information that you have a deferred loan will be registred with credit reference agencies. Details of the information that will be recorded about you and how they and we will use you information is set out overleaf" There then follows a side of A4 basically saying they can and will share my information with everyone, how it coudl affect my credit rating etc and that the credit record information can be sent outside of the european economic area (so it's given that they share this information with other european CRAs...
  5. Ah, so if Erudio makes a court order against me in UK dmeanding that I pay the sum back in full it could be enforced in France? I would therfore be in the merde...
  6. Cheers for that! Yeah I thought the whole "breach of contract" was probably pretty weak... worth a try. I need to decide what I'm going to do fairly sharpish, my deferrement periods ends the middle of this month (obviously I only got their deferrement form a couple of weeks ago..), though they haven't marked when I need to get the forms back to them anywhere, just that my period of deferral ends mid May... Ok so I've got my hands on a pdf copy of the old SLC deferrement form, if I completed that and sent it back with a letter saying that I don't agree to the changes in the TC's.... That way I'm providing them with the information required by the original creditor and I'm not signing / accepting their changes to the terms or conditions? They'd probably just send it back I imagine saying I need to complete their form or maybe they'd just ignore it and say I've defaulted...? Should I get somebody else to sign this as well? (do they sign their name or mine??) Also I'm guessing to be legally valid I'd need to send my CCA by snail mail - sending it by email probably wouldn't cut it?? Disappearing is tempting, I imagine they could find me if they wanted to though, it wouldn't be that difficult, they don't have an address for me but they do the address of my employer..
  7. Cheers! I've been going through some of the other threads and I'm still compiling info, (I'll try and dig up the T&C's on the other threads) Yeah I got that they couldn't change the terms and conditions but I wondered if me signing their deferral document could be considered as me "agreeing"/ accepting the changes ? If I send the a request for a CCA, that obviously delays things a bit and I've seen on other threads that they don't always have copies... what happens then? Can I just tell them to go hang? I have considered just ignoring them... whether I stay in France or not I don't know, it depends a lot on work and that's not going too well right now... what worries me is the possibilty of them coming after me over here, could they / would they?? I do return to the UK now and again, and don't want them waiting for me at the airport?? (I could be being hysterical here?!). Also does my credit record follow into europe?? My debt is relatively small so I'd guess they probably wouldn't bother chasing me? (it would'nt be worth their time??). Also could the fact they've changed the requirements for the deferral be a breach of contract? (Or is that just wishful thinking on my part - I'm very "green" about all this) Cheers again,
  8. Hi all, I've been reading through a quite a few threads on the site (there are quite a lot now!) for the last couple of weeks and they've really helped me understand whats going on. Not everytihng in the others threads is entirely relavent to me. I've tried compiling a few bits of advice but I'm worried I'm still missing some info. (In fact it would be really cool if somebody could compile all the links and main points on Erudio) Some basic background on me. I'm currently living and working in France. My first loans was in 1997 (mortgage style loans) I've deferred for at least 7 years (prior to that I made some payments for 2 years) I can legally still defer (I earn a pittance) [*]I have around 5500 GBP to pay back Like everyone else, I recently had the pleasure of being contacted by Erudio, telling me that they had bought my loan and that they would send me a deferral form. I recieved their deferral form and was not a big fan of the changes they've made, particularly that they "require" more information than the old deferral forms. . From reading the other threads what I get is: (but I'd appreciate it if somebody could confirm or deny what I'm saying) They're trying to changes the TC's of the original loan - though they don't have the right (as they're not the original lender), unless maybe I sign the new deferral form and send it back ? I can delay them by askig for a CCA, but not sure how this will really help me in the end? I'm guessing that since I've consistently deferred my loan over the last 7+ years I can't claim statute barred, as effectively I've acknowledged the debt by deferring? I could potentially ignore their requests and hope they don't find me for 6 years, but They would say I defaulted ? (On my CR?) And demand I repay in full? Could they actually enforce this and how ? [*]They could potentially send agents after me to recover the money? Would they actually do this? [*]They could screw with my credit rating and generally make life difficult for me if I return to the UK. What happens if I stay in France? Frankly I'm trying to decide what to do... I could legally just defer.. but I'm annoyed by the changes in the T&C's. And I'm tempted just to tell them where they can stick their forms. I've seen on other threads that people have said I don't have to use their forms or provide all the information they're requesting? So what I'd like to know is, can anyone tell me exactly what information I am legally obliged to give them? Does anyone have a copy of the original mortage style T&C's I could look at ? or a scan of the origial deferral forms? For that matter if anyone could scan a blank copy of the new deferral forms that could be useful, as I started scrawling on mine before I realised what I was doing! What happens when I send back the deferral form/ information that I'm legally required to, and they then refuse my deferal, because I haven't given them all the information they asked for? What can they do and what can I do to stop them ? Any advice would be welcome!
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