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  1. I gave up. I went into the store, demanded to cancel the purchase and demanded my money back. Surprisingly they did it all with no fuss at all!Just left with no phone still though
  2. Just got an answer - they are sorry for my dissatisfaction with one of their stores and I will receive further communication from somebody in my area. Basically a total non-reply then!
  3. In the email that I sent to their customer service I've said that I want a reply within 24 hours telling me exactly how they are going to resolve things and that I want to receive the phone before Friday, or I will go into the store on Friday and cancel the purchase and I expect my money back, and that I will take things further if these conditions aren't met.
  4. Yes. Perfect Home. I work just down the road from their store so I've been going in every couple of days to ask about the phone, but get the same answer each time - they have none in stock, they might be getting some in a delivery or it could be a few weeks, do I want something else instead of the phone. None of them seem to have a clue about what they are doing, even the store manager!
  5. I've been a customer with PH for over 6 months with a perfect payment record and I decided to add a Galaxy S4 phone to my account. I signed for it and paid the first weekly amount and was told I would get the phone within 14 days. Its now over 2 weeks later, I've paid 3 payments for it and still no sign of the phone. Whenever I ask the staff in the Nottingham branch I just get blank looks and get told that there are no phones in stock, and that I need to wait another 3 or 4 weeks. They even tried to fob me off with a Galaxy tablet instead, but I said I was desperately needing a phone. I don't have good credit so this is basically the only way I can afford to get a decent phone at the moment. I've sent an email to PH customer service but I'm not hopeful that they will even acknowledge my complaint. I just want my phone, that I've already started paying for!
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