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  1. Yes but they reckon its not a fraud case as I entered my own details onto the site in question, which is why I was referred to disputes. Have tried another twice to ring and apparently my account is locked now until I produce ID in branch.
  2. I disputed some transactions that I did not make last week. I was refunded for some but not all..waited a few days then gave them a ring today about it as I assume if the refund didnt come, then those transactions are not being investigated. I am more concerned about getting to the bottom of this tbh than about the refund. Anyway, when I disputed the transactions I asked for a new debit card to be sent, which I was told it would be. The suspicious transactions have since continued, so they clearly have not cancelled my old debit card. I have no money left in the account now and plan on it staying that way until they can tell me whats going on..just a bit worried that these payments will end up makking me overdrawn.. Anyway, today I rang the bank to ask about both my debit card and the disputes. Went through security and such only to be told that they couldnt discuss anything on the phone with me until I go into the bank with my ID. I have absolutely no idea why this is as I have never had a problem before. I cannot get to the bank until next wednesday (health reasons) MY question is..can they really refuse to issue me a new debit card and cancel the old one when fraudulent transactions are currently going on on my account?! Surely they will be at fault if the transactions do end up making me overdrawn? I am really really annoyed right now..have put in a complaint using their online form but dont expect to get a call back
  3. Its the receptionist at the GPs office, not the actual GP. I have managed to get an appointment to actually see him but its not for another 3 weeks now So if I keep my 0 hour contract on while off sick(I would like to keep the job open if they will let me), I dont need GP notes, just a SSP1? Or am I totally wrong here. I have no clue to be honest
  4. Can anyone advise me on what to do here please. Apparently my doctor cant give me a sick note without some form from my employer(I think its a self cert note..not too sure as doctor just gave me form number to ask for), which I asked them for last monday but they still have not sent me. In the meantime I have no income at all, as I dont get sick pay from work with it being a 0 hour contract and average hours worked being around 5pw..plus only having been there for 2 months. I cant go on with no income at all, but I can't go back to work in this state either. Is it possible to put in a ESA claim without a current sicknote, then get my GP to backdate it? Just..I am losing out on money here with this messing about from work, money that I am going to need as I a lending off friends and family just to eat, so I will need some means of paying them back
  5. Last year I was on the sick for back problems (kept slipping a disc and I swear to god it is total agony) and problems with my knee randomly giving way. I was seeing a physio regularly etc but ATOS decided I had nothing the matter with me. After a while, I managed to get a JSA claim sorted. To begin with they were trying to say I couldnt get JSA as I was ill..how crazy is that Anyway, while on JSA I obviously continued to see my physio and a few months ago I was having next to no problems with my back or my knee. I found a job as a door supervisor 2 months ago. It is a 0 hour contract and I was told at the interview that I would get an average of 20-25 hours per week, my boss then informed me that it would be best for me if I signed off JSA, which I gladly did. However since then I have been recieving ONE shift per week, ranging from 4 - 8 hours. This is not anywhere near enough. Along with this, from periods of long standing my back seems to be going again, I have been at hospital twice since starting work again. So basically, I think (and my doctor thinks) I should go back on the sick, and back to physio too. However I am not sure how this would work, as I only signed off 2 months ago..and being on a 0 hour contract (and only been employed for 2 months) I am quite sure I wouldnt get sick pay from my employer. My doctor is more than willing to give me a sick note, he even says its the best thing to do as he thinks if I continue working, even for one shift a week it will be detrimental to my health. Would I pack in my job and ring the jobcentre to sign back on the sick? (until ATOS decide I am perfectly fit again no doubt...) This whole thing is really peeing me off to be honest. I am annoyed that I was lied to in the interview about hours, but I am even more annoyed that I may have to be off work for another 6 months or so, or even longer.
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