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Everything posted by Dj-Dan87

  1. I think they may have changed the contract. I have contacted the fca via email and I got an automated reply saying it could take 12 days to hear back from them, I'll post on here when I found out to let you know the outcome! Many thanks
  2. Ok thanks for your help and advice. Do you know how I would be able to contact the fca? Should I contact wonga again about it? Or would it be best to see what the fca say about it? Thanks again
  3. They told me that they were allowed to do this as it's in the terms and conditions of the loan agreement as I would be paying in back over 9 months. I set the repayment plan up on the day I defaulted.
  4. Yes sure I originally borrowed £100 then I topped it up 4 times by £150, £115, £60 and another £60 over a 2 week period from when I borrowed the original £100 which I was supposed to back after 30 days but at the time I was gambling heavily and was stupid The amount I have to pay back could be right for all I know it just seems to be quite a lot when you look at how much I've actually borrowed and the amount I'm paying back. I just thought I'd check it out and I found this site a while ago and it's helped me before from just reading other people's posts. Thanks
  5. Hello there I currently have a repayment plan with wonga which I have been making regular weekly payments and I'm actually nearly finished paying. My problem is I think I'm overcharged by them I borrowed £485 and the grand total I have to pay back is £1027.50!!!! Is this legal? I do have about £40 in late fees added to this. I have spoke to them on the phone but I couldn't make head nor tail of what they told me. When I asked why I had to pay so much they said the original amount before late fees were added I owed was roughly £587.50 but they say they added 1% interest per day for 60 days to get to the figure of £1027. Can they do this? I don't really know if they can? It seems like an awful lot to pay for a £485 loan. To date I have paid amount £950 back to them, but I've decided to query this matter. Any help would be great on this matter Thanks in advance.
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