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  1. We have not received anything from the police. In fact, since she was arrested on 1st August 2013, there has been zero direct contact from the police which I find astonishing considering they arrested her in the first place. The last thing our solicitor received (on 12th August 2014) was an email from the arresting officer saying: I will not be conducting any further enquiries into this matter. I cannot confirm that no further action will be taken as new evidence may be found outside the police service which if sufficient could result in the investigation being re-opened". Since her arrest, she has been unable to work, unable to et help from job seekers and as a result, I have had to fund her living expenses for over a year which to date amounts to over £17k. She was arrested on the basis of a statement her ex employer made which was a false statement at that. Is there any mileage in me taking leagal steps against her ex employer to recover loss of earnings ?
  2. Is anyone still reading this thread ? I'm getting no feedback from anyone.
  3. To date, no evidence has been presented to back up the claim other than the police arrested my partner based on a police statement her ex employer gave claiming she was solely responsible for tenants money. The statement is false because all staff members had access because it was their job to. My partners bail was cancelled in November 2013 and since then has never been asked to attend the police station and not been re-arrested.
  4. Update as of 20th August 2014 (one year and 19 days after she was arrested). Police have dropped the investigation against her. She was never charged. Our solicitor received an email from the investigating officer as follows: It has been decided that no further investigations will conducted into the above person. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Then we received a further update from the police officer via our solicitor as follows: I will not be conducting any further enquiries into this matter. I cannot confirm that no further action will be taken as new evidence may be found outside the police service, which if sufficient, could result in the investigation being re-opened. I am awaiting a reply from our solicitor in regard to whether he thinks we have a case to take my partners ex employer to court for forcing her out of being able to work for the last 12 months and as a result, the loss of earnings which equates to over £17k (which I have personally funded out of my own pocket). Whilst out of work she could not even claim help from the job centre and so I had to cover her monthly outgoings. She was arrested based on a written police statement made by a director of her ex employer whereby it was stated that my partner was solely responsible for tenants money and yet her employment contract does not state this and in any case can not be solely responsible because she was not on duty 24hrs a day. It was a known fact that other staff members had access to tenants money and not just one tenant, but all of them. To me this is a case of a disgruntled ex-employer trying to destroy an ex staff member simply because they originally resigned (before this all happened) and she resigned because her ex employer broke the trust between staff member and employer. I am tempted to instruct the solicitor to issue proceedings against her ex employer to recover the loss of earnings as a result of a false statement being made to the police which prompted the arrest in the first place. Why it took the police over a year to get closure is something else I will be looking into. They had to prove money was stolen in the first place and I am convinced it wasn't but was simply a case of funds withdrawn over a period of time but not recorded as per company procedure. The person solely responsible for tenants funds is the care home itself as they make the procedures. I'd appreciate any thoughts from anyone reading this.
  5. I have requested an update from our solicitor by 25th April and if no news from the arresting officer on that date, I have told him to contact the Police Inspector at the station involved and to request an update directly from him. If by 7th May no news from the Inspector via the solicitor, I shall contact the Inspector myself.
  6. I have 3 times asked my solicitor to tell me if there is a procedure we can follow to raise a complaint to the police, and also can we raise one to the authority that governs the care home provider. The solicitor has so far not said yes or no, except today said he would rather keep the arresting officer "on side" and to not rock the boat too much. I said that's fine but there will come a time very soon whereby we will want action and answers. I am determined to not let this go away and that someone needs to be held accountable for their actions, i.e. making a false statement and pointing all blame on my partner. The police will never find a shred of evidence that points blame to her because she did nothing wrong, plus, on the basis the ex employer made a statement to the police stating my partner was solely responsible for tenants funds safekeeping, the truth is, other staff members had and have access. This is clearly a case of the ex employer trying their hardest to seek revenge over someone who simply wanted to resign and move on. I respect the police for what they do but 9 months since being arrested, my partner is on medication, cannot get a job because while the case is open, nobody will employ her and I am subsidising her income so far to the tune of £14k. Someone, somewhere must be held accountable.
  7. In August of last year, my partner was arrested by the police. The reason was given as her ex employer made an accusation of stealing money from a care home tenant. She worked in a privately run care home prior to August and had resigned well before August on the grounds that her employer made an accusation of defrauding the company of hours worked and despite the allegation being dropped and the company wanting her back to work, she resigned because the trust had been broken. Then in August she was arrested on yet another false claim of wrong doing. She was never charged but to date, 10 months on, the police have not told her if they plan to charge or drop the case. Our solicitor is getting no answers from the police and my partner is unable to get work until the case is dropped. As a result of all the stress caused by her arrest, which was based on a false statement by her ex employer, her health is ruined and is now on permanent medication for stress related problems, she cannot obtain work and I have covered her monthly income equivalent which now totals over £14k. On the basis she was not charged, do the police have to advise her if the case is on going or if it will be dropped ? It looks like the case has been dropped because nothing is happening and I am sure the police do not want to lose face over this. Equally, things could still be happening in the background but with no information, we don't know that. Can we complain to the police for a lack of information ? Can we complain to the authority that governs her ex employer. It was a director who made a false statement to the police. Had she not done so, my partner would not have been arrested.
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