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  1. I have had exact same issue with Woolwich and esurv. Trying to buy a flat for 155k and esurv valued it at 130k a whole 25k difference. An identical flat to this one (next door) sold last year for 150k and others I have spoken to think the surveyor is way off in his estimate. Phoned esurv they say their hands are tied by the Woolwich and cannot review the the estimate with out the say so from the Woolwich even though the guy i spoke to was surprised by the size of the discrepancy. Worked my way in up the chain of people in Woolwich simply to be told they refuse to challenge the survey unless there is at least a 25% discrepancy. They don't seem to care about the fact that i have paid for the survey and refuse to untie esurv hands and allow it to be reviewed. They also refuse to allow me to pay for an independent surveyor or even pay for another esurv surveyor, the entire application stands solely on the say so of the one surveyor with no recourse what so ever to challenge his judgment. Apparently it is now their policy since of January to not review any valuations from esurv and the first esurv valuation as gospel. Anyone applying for a Woolwich mortgage just hope you get a good surveyor or you'll be throwing good money down the drain without a chance of seeing it again.
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