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  1. Hi I have been staying at a property for about 3 years now and have just moved out end of last month. There is a dispute on the return of the deposit due to the claims of the landlord to paint the whole house and pass half the cost to us when we moved out. The house was not newly painted when we moved in 3 years ago. And our justification its just a normal wear and tear and it seem like he is trying to pass the cost for re-painted 'old for new' on his property. Since we raised the issue of dispute, only then we realised our monies was not deposited into any scheme. Then a few days ago the letting agent had deposited our monies into the Deposit scheme and back-date to month we moved in. Can we demand for our deposit as, there was a breach of law not to deposit our monies into a deposit scheme within 30 days, 3 years ago? What is the implication now, that he has deposited our monies into the scheme? If our monies are in the deposit scheme, and we were to go to court, will we be paid compensation? :???: Thank you for your reply
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