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Everything posted by grilly

  1. Hi, My asked for compensation wasn't even that high and from the conversations I had with the area manager, who was very good, their internal investigation show that they have record of me telling them they have the wrong house. I'll have to have a look at the costs and process involved to see whether I want to proceed.
  2. Hi, Thought I'd update you on what's happened so far. After emailing their ceo and emailing there complaint department I got contacted by the area manager for VM who organised a company they have to sort out these type of bad installs. They came and sorted out the garden and lucky having taken off the install on the wall found it was through the plaster not through the stone of the wall, so they patched that up and now it's looking close to what it was before not 100% but close. I asked for compensation regarding this matter and have been told by them that it would be a civil courts matter. That they have done nothing wrong because they have had instruction to install at this property and now that everything is fixed I would have to go down the civil court route. The call centre guy even said that it should be the person who ordered the services I should go after not VM. Virgin Media will be one company I will never order from in my life. Regards Richard
  3. Thank you for your assistance on this and I'll keep you up to date with what happens. Noticed my resolver letter contains a few spelling mistakes. I'm new to this. Also can I push the cable under the grass just so I can hope the grass continues to grow or do I have to leave as is.
  4. I've used the resolver website to issue a formal complaint as I have no way of typing up and printing out a formal letter. Sorry decided to go down the fix everything route
  5. As I was replying I noticed that the guy was taking photos of my front garden but couldnt tell whether he had stepped onto my lawn to take them. I have turned my cctv onto the area on the lawn so when I am away it will detect and record anybody in the area. Thinking about it I would go down the take cable and repair lawn and wall route. I am of the mind that so far the quality of the service a customer gets from them is below what I would expect.
  6. Hi, Yes I think you are right that there are only two possible solutions for this mess. I'll have to decide which one for me is the best option. On a side note, I've just had virgin media come and say there taking the cable away, nothing about the damage to the wall or the garden. I asked him to hold off until I get info from them about their solution to the wall and garden. I'm not doing anything until I have it in writing from them. Don't want them getting away with doing nothing about the damage they have done.
  7. It looks like they partly cut into grass to lay the cable as it's not very deep down, as per the photos on my twitter, but pulling the cable out would potential ruin the grass. The wall is an old stone wall which has been there for donkeys years, definitely not a new brick wall.
  8. Sorry about that. The main items would be damage to the garden about 1.5 metre in distance. The cable can easily be pulled up but it would unearth the garden width of grass. Hole in the wall, probably would need for someone to come out and access and quote price of repair. Inconvience to sort the issue out. Never had to do anything like this so unsure what can be itemised.
  9. Ya if virgin want to pay my get out costs and give me free internet for a year I would change. From the look of it, it's a normal way of installing the cabling before it gets hooked up to the house.
  10. There's no other damage within the garden
  11. I'm still under first year contract with plusnet., But if virgin were to offer to buy my contract out and do 60% off contract I might be tempted.
  12. Hi, Yes it's my front stone garden wall that they have drilled (damaged) through. Can't seem to upload pictures but I twittered virgin media the photo, I can't post link here but my twitter handle is @grillflame. There was no attempt to notify me what they were doing Regards Richard
  13. Hi, Just need some guidance on this issue. Virgin Media came yesterday and laid some cable from the street drilling a hole in my front wall to put the cable through and then digging the garden to lay the cable . Now I have never ordered virgin media for any services nor am I a current virgin media customer. About 2 weeks ago I got a letter addressed to someone else but with my address on it that had a direct debit for virgin media, I got in contact with them and explained about and was told by the call centre that it would cancel due to incorrect details. I emailed the CEO explaining the situation and am awaiting his reply. Is there anything else I could be doing to get a resolution Regards Richard
  14. Hi, Just need some advise concerning a repair. I sent my Virgin (newly new) phone for a warranty repair, which was the on button not working, and they have found a second fault with the phone which is a faulty micro sd card slot. The sd card slot is being classed as accidental and now they will not repair the original, in warranty, fault without me paying for the second fault to be repaired. What are the rules concerning repairs under warranty. thanks Richard
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