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  1. After one and a half month mailing with DVLA I just gave up, filled application for new BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) and will not apply for British Driving License again. Will go back China, will get license from China and Honk Kong and can use each for a year in UK, total 2 years, it is enough as I graduate after 2 years and leaving UK. Contacted local police, they told me they cant do anything. Tried to contact the DVLA CEO, but he was on a holiday for 2-3 weeks, so I never got an answer from him. The last letter I got from DVLA was that: "Please be assured that we take very seriously any claims by customer that identity documents have been taken. Should such acticity be detected by our internal security procedures the matter would be immediately referred to the local Police" Not only I did not get a Driving license and was left without BRP, now they are trying to scare me. What a [problem]. One thing I cannot understand. Why do you still use letters in 21st century. When I was in USA, to get an ID or Driving License you just go to the nearest Council Office, pay $50, fill an application, they will take you a picture, scan your finger prints and after 3-4 minutes you get your ID or Driving License you applied for. Here I am fighting to get a respond for almost 2 months. The British system is so outdated. Thanks everyone for the advices anyway. Great forum, hopefully will not need to visit this section again anytime soon. Regards
  2. Thanks for the advise. I just sent email to: oliver.morley (at) dvla (dot )gsi (dot) gov (dot) uk (not sure if he is the CEO) And I will call the Chinese Embassy tomorrow.
  3. Hello I am Chinese studying in UK. I applied for a Driving Permit one month ago. I sent both my passport and Residence Permit. But DVLA sent me back only my passport. I have tried to contact them more than 20 times already. I have booked hotels and ferries already, as I was planning a holiday around Europe. Now I cannot apply a Schengen Visa, because they've lost it?. Please help me. I need to file a complaint and ask for compensation of around £2860 DVLA is holding me a prisoner in UK
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