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  1. The debt is in single name, property is in joint name - thank you for your help, it is much appreciated
  2. I have a hearing date for the 24th June 2014 - What is the next process ? Obviously I want to advise that judge that 1) the information in their statement is incorrect - they have advised Court that me and my ex husband live there only when in fact they are aware that it is only me and my 9 year old daughter and 2) that I have offered to make a monthly payment ( I know it is only £15.00 but that is all I can afford) How can they make a claim against my Ex Husband when he is not party to the debt although he is a joint owner of the house I am confused as to which way I should proceed
  3. £4,500 - property is valued at £200,000 with £100,000 mortgage
  4. Hi Can anybody offer me some advice please Situation : house is in joint names although now divorced and I currently live in property with my daughter who is 9 and I pay all the bills There is a charging order on the property in favour of ME III Limited as I understand it - I have today received a claim form from stating they are applying for Order of Sale. I did offer back in October 2013 to pay £10 per month and asked they provided me with bank details to set this up, they never did this although amazing a letter has appeared in the witness bundle which I never received. What is my next course of action I called them today and s aid I am happy to pay £15 a month ( I thought that because of the charging order they would get there money back when the house is eventually sold but obviously this is not the case) I am not sure how to proceed Any advice would be great From a worried Mum
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