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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. I have a loan and a credit card with them too, but they seem to be a separate entity so i havent as yet been bothered about those
  3. Limbo, I've just gone through all this with RBS (and they paid up so dont give up!) They stated in their defence to my case that i hadnt provided them with enough information (including my account numbers - which i am sure the bank already have!?!) If you check on my thread there is a good response to the Request for info regarding the contract. Dont give up - they will give in!
  4. Hi Big Col, they havent cancelled my account yet, but i dont use it anymore, its only open until i've paid off the outstanding overdraft - but who knows - they will prob decided to close it down one of these days
  5. Hi John, On the request for further info they wanted me to provide my account/sort codes (which they already had), details of all my charges - i sent them a copy of all my bank statements, then they asked me how i was going to use the Supply of Goods act as my defence as i had written this in my MCOL claim. If you look further up my thread Alanfromderby provided me with a very good reply to that one. Don't let them scare you, they will give in eventually, i think they just like to try and scare people off before they have to pay out. Good luck!
  6. bookworm, do i need a debit/credit card to donate or can i do it via e-banking?
  7. Hooray!!! I got a letter from RBS' solicitor at the weekend with a big fat cheque attached for the full amount. The usual spiel of it would cost too much to defend blah blah blah. They've also stipulated conditions that i not tell anyone about the payment, which i am about to write back and say 'thanks for the cheque, but forget about the conditions' Finally!! Thought they would never give up!!
  8. Nothing yet since i sent off my last reply
  9. Have changed my letter to read unlawful instead of illegal. its in the post this morning, so lets see how long it takes them to reply.
  10. Mountainofdebt, My letter came via the solicitors and by the sounds of it said exactly the same as yours! must be a standard letter used to try and scare people off - oh well, lets hope another more reasonable offer is forthcoming!
  11. My reply, Thank you for your letter dated 23 May 2006. Your comments are noted, however it is my firm belief that the charges applied to my account are indeed illegal and I am happy to accept your client’s offer as an interim payment, however will continue with legal action until the full amount requested including interest and court fees (sum of £1936.02) is recovered. Hope this is reasonable
  12. out of interest, will it harm my case if they court see that i have rejected an offer?
  13. Thanks Alan, it just seems bizarre that they started off the letter by telling me i had a snowball's chance in hell, then offer a goodwill payment. surely if they thought i'd lose they wouldnt offer a penny? am definately sticking to my guns on this one
  14. Help!!! Received a letter from RBS' solicitors today - very clever letter saying: "Our client considers that your challenge to its charges would fail in court. our client believes the charges are fair..blah blah blah blah... Goodwill gesture of £1000" (my claim is for £1900 including court/court allocation fees) and that if i decline it then they will tell the court that i have declined a reasonable offer! What should i do? I want all my money back, but will it hurt my case if i've declined an offer of settlement???
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