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ASBO's Mum

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  1. When was the caveat lodged? If it hasnt been renewed, it will lapse after 6 months. Assuming the caveat is still valid I would issue a warning and then she has 8 days to enter an appearance. If she does not, the caveat lapses. If she does, you can then seek a summons from the Principal Probate Registry for her to either withdraw the caveat or bring proceedings in "unless" form - ie "put up or shut up". At least if she enters an appearance you will see what her objections are because it seems to me that there are no real objections. Her claim it seems is against the asset (I make no comment on the validity of the claim but it seems that she will potentially claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 and thus a caveat is an inappropriate way of proceeding.
  2. My OH has a car which was in the garage for some considerable time (actually about 2 years). Eventually he and the owner got it sorted out at the end of last year. My OH was then critically ill and he was unable to collect the vehicle. The garage owner then attempted to sell the vehicle - first we knew about it was a letter from the DVLA saying that someone else had applied for registration. We called the DVLA and explained and they said that we should involve the police. We didnt because within a few hours it was sorted with the garage. We paid for the vehicle, taxed it and collected it. The garage said that they had notified the DVLA that there were not to proceed with the new registered keeper. Now we have received a Failure to Notify Disposal of Vehicle. 1. The vehicle was never disposed of - indeed it is still on the drive and 2. Does this mean that the DVLA have registered it in the name of someone else?! TIA
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