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Everything posted by lee_st3

  1. I've had a look on Experian, and the only option I'm getting is 'contact us if you think there is a mistake'?
  2. I have just emailed the CRA requesting NOC's on the multiple entries. I'm now also going to download the complaint forms for the relevant bureau's and get them sent off tomorrow. Thank you for your responses
  3. All happened 3 years ago (I'm out of the vicious circle now and have been for some time) The 2 main providers in question are PaydayUK and Payday Express. I have screenshots of their websites from the time I took the loans out that plain as day say their loans WILL improve your file (this has since been changed to 'may') As I was on a credit file improvement mission, when speaking to one of them on the phone, they told me if I could afford it, I should extend as a number of satisfactory accounts on my file would only do me good. I wrote into PaydayUK and got a response of their customer service manager who basically fobbed me off when questioning the multiple entries. I may have worded my letter wrong
  4. Hi guys, Bit of legal help required. I've touched on this before, but not this topic specifically. It seems a rollover or extension of a payday loan warrants a new entry on your credit file. Is this legal? Even though it is the exact same loan, they deem it acceptable to create a new entry on your credit file, meaning you have multiple entries for the original loan? Surely this is wrong? Thanks in advance
  5. Did they send you an 'excel' spreadsheet that looked like that they had created it themselves? You must know what a CCA looks like, so if they've sent something different, it's a claim by them to try and make it look like they have the official documents?
  6. Hello mate, I've just typed a massive message up and it hasn't posted for some reason ha! All you need to do is reply saying it isn't the original CCA and it is a Lowells attempt at fabricating evidence, which is extortion. They'll send you a letter back saying it's now gone to the 8 week complaints procedure You'll receive nothing in this time.... Send them a reminder letter after the 8 week date has passed from the time of your letter, and within 7 days you should revive a reply saying they've removed the account from their system. Give the credit reference agencies at least 30 days from this letter to update their systems Hope this helps Lee
  7. I'll have a good look when I get back from work tonight
  8. That's great advice, thank you. Feel I need to do a bit more digging here, Google isn't playing ball at the moment!
  9. It's Durham. East Coast say they 'manage' it.
  10. Hi guys, Apologies if this has been done, I've done a search but had no luck. Question is, if a railway company doesn't own the land it uses for it's car park, are parking fines not worth the paper they're printed on? Or is it covered somehow under the railway byelaw's? What's the quickest way to find out if East Coast Trains do indeed own the land. East coast use a private company to 'issue and collect payment' if that makes a difference, although it is East Coast employees (people behind the ticket desk, this I've witnessed) who go out and put the tickets on the cars! I haven't had a ticket yet, but I overheard someone this morning whilst waiting for my train state that East Coast don't own the land? Cheers Lee
  11. As I'm finding out now! I wanted to repair my credit rating back then, so after believing the hype that they would actually help, I went for it. Couldn't have been more wrong! They're all correctly reported, just wish I knew about this website back then, as I'm sure 1000's of others are!
  12. I'm definitely looking in the wrong places here ha! Thank you very much for the reply Lee
  13. Hi guys Back when the Payday Loan companies first started becoming a household names, does anybody have any screenshots, or other proof about the information they advertised, mainly 'Using our service WILL improve your credit score', not could? I ask because I have payday loans on my credit file from 2011 (all settled, paid in full/time etc etc) and the mortgage lenders won't touch me because of this, they have stated it is because of the payday loan presence on my file is the reason for rejection. I rolled an MEM loan over for 11 months because as far as I'm concerned, I'm sure it was stated they WOULD, not could, improve your score. Is there anything I can do to have these entries removed if I can prove they have been a bit misleading? Cheers Lee
  14. Hi guys, Just to give you an update. After Lowell's sent through their made up spreadsheet trying to be the Vanquis contract, I challenged it - along with 3 other defaulted accounts Lowell have of mine. Long story short, the spreadsheet they sent isn't worth a thing. As a result of this and the challenge on the other accounts, all 4 defaulted accounts under Lowells name have been wiped from my credit files Win Win
  15. Hi RossW I could really do with these screenshots you have if you wouldn't mind sending them? I have tried PM'ing you, but you have that option switched off Could you let me know if you can sort this for me? Cheers!
  16. Totally agree! I also agree with previous posts in this thread regarding the validity of origin, it certainly looks like Lowell's have got the apprentice to knock this document up!
  17. Hi guys, Rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd add to this one as it's spot on for what i need. These 'spreadsheets' from Lowell's....are they legal then? I've received one, I'm going to challenge it
  18. MKDP did this with my Barclaycard debt, however, they entered a duplicate default, they didn't overwrite Barclays default. Just waiting for their reply....
  19. Well that's good to know! Thank you
  20. Yeah, it's definitely been sold on. When I log onto the Wonga account, i'm greeted by a message stating that's been sold to MH and that Wonga legally do not own it anymore. I also had the usual letters off MH
  21. Thanks for the reply! They're taking their time then, it's been the same for about 2 years!
  22. Hi guys, 1st post here, although i've been reading as a guest for what seems an age. Basically, around 2011, I got into the circle of using payday loan companies, mostly work related because of a reduction in hours....i'm free now though! My query however, is this...My final outstanding loan is with Wonga. They 'legally' sold this to MH. Wonga's default is still on my credit file, surely this should be in MH's name, should it not? Thanks in advance guys
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