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  1. Again I have answered my telephone to another debt collector this morning. I moved into my property in July of 20013 and had problems from British Gas from the beginning. A meter reader came out and read the meter. Then next time I took the meter reading for them. Then was told my reading was not right, so on my knees again taking another reading and lo and behold, my reading was right. Contacted them with the new reading and they then had me on my knees again reading it while on the phone. They still did not believe me. So enough of this basically being called a liar over the phone. Time to change company's and sort this out later (I refuse to have dealings with a company like that) I thought. British Gas then blocked our move (get this) as we found out ,not from British Gas, but from the new supplier. That they had a dispute about a bill from December 2012, a full 8 months before we moved into the property. What this had to do with us I do not know (maybe we ''are all in it together'' and it's a conspiracy against them). After many months of stress arguments AND debt collectors we thought it had been resolved yooohoo ! after ANOTHER call from them we agreed on the bill and we paid it (no financial problems the money for bills is there, but we don't give freebies). The stress this causes me is unbelievable. My wife (bless her) is much better at coping with these things than me. I shake with rage when I see their adverts on T.V. They as far as I can see are just faceless bully's. And I have dealt with bully's in the past, but this is a new type of bullying. They pay no heed to what I say, but there word is law, or they will set the dogs on you. Disgusting company. I will never in my life (and I will do my utmost to convince family & friends) use them or buy from them again. I even offered to let them read the meter after leaving them to let them see, but not interested. JUST CAUGH UP OR ELSE. The only contact I want with them is one of them standing in front of me telling me I owe them. Then I will be overjoyed to be making contact.
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