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  1. I so do hope so, when i received my first years report, hardly any of my payments had gone to any of my creditors but was enough to pay Payplan....just seems really odd! thanks for your replies all ;-)
  2. Thank you for the replies, i have emailed my case worker twice now and asked what the heck is going on and no reply. IRO your question dx100uk, i would have then wasted over 1.5k to payplan if i deal with my own debts - all i want is a simple solution Wat really frustrates me the case worker i have at the moment is not helpful and i recently received an email to say they tried to contact me, i had no missed calls on mobile or house phone, my previous case worker was brilliant, she would e-mail me and even leave me a message to say when i was free or when she was going to call back. Think i need to change case workers......
  3. Hi All, Really really need your help on this one as i am in an IVA with Payplan which started in December 2012. My total loans came up to £8,351 and Payplan calculated that i can pay 64.48p in the pound which worked out to be £5,361.84. With my income and expenditure, my payments had been set at £116.81 which was perfect, however i had a massive increase in pay due to a promotion and Payplan increase my payment to £231.89 a month. I have been in contact with Payplan to find out what my end date will be and they said that my plan is for 5 years, however i worked out that i would be paying them more than my original debt including interest, 3 out of the 5 creditors where interest free loans! They even said that as soon as i have paid Payplan the amount required they will end my IVA, however i have tried to call and email them and not getting any joy at all, when is this date? I am aware that fees are in place, however they are not being transparent and i have said i looked at the terms and conditions and agreement i have signed and have already been charged these fees (which was about £1.5K . . .makes me think why did i enter into an IVA). I did not know that i was heading for a promotion and wished i did not enter an IVA and dealt with my problems however the response i am getting from Payplan is lacking and need help!! Has anyone had this experience before? what was your solution in the end?? thanks all sean
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