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  1. thast it. it says the fine is for a date which was definatley not the time when i boarded without ticket. could i use my magistrates ref number on the magistrates website to get more info?
  2. cheers. the date that i did offend was about 18 months before the date on the letter. it says the offence took place on the date of the letter so it does'nt corroborate with the one time i did offend. if i'm being honest, when they asked for my details i did give a false address. perhaps it serves me right, though the train fare would of only been three quid. would the date on the letter be for when the train company passed my details on to the courts? like i said, the letter says the offence took place on the date on the letter so. .. seems like honesty may well be the best policy. though i justified it in my head by the amount of times the train companies have put us on a bus service when the tracks are down for the same price.
  3. ta. presumingly any magistrates with the ref i've got? don't understand why this company can just post a letter asking for money without giving information. i thought it might be a [problem].
  4. i mean for the date on the letter, no, it definately didn't happen. i just need to know where to go to find out about whats going on. would you say citizens advice or just straight to the local magistrates?
  5. it did happen about a year and a half ago but definatley not on the date it says on the letter. fair enough if it is about that time, i'll obv pay it but i can't pay in such short notice.
  6. yeah. i do use trains though not been stopped for not having a valid ticket on the date they said. i just want info about it and it looks like marston are only there to collect the fine
  7. hi all, i've just had a leter through my door from marston group saying i owe £408 for 'offence:board train in non compulsory ticket area withou. 27/01/2014' (sic). they say they're in possesion of a magistrates court order. i have no recollection of this and believe it to be false but there aren't any contact details other than the 24hr automated paymeent line. should i go straight to the court? also, will it be my nearest magistrates court as there are no details of which court or where this 'offence' took place. there is a hm courts and tribunals service ref but i can't find where i'd use it on the hm site. any ideas? cheers alex
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