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  1. Hi, Im new to these forums but I hope this is in the right place. I am renting a room off a landlord that has incredible ventilation issues. The room has a door from the kitchen and double glass doors onto the garden, however these doors do not open. I have contacted the landlord several times and he refuses to fix the door for no apparent reason but he said he may put a passive vent in the door (noway near acceptable for me). He has kindly left me a hammer to smash the windows in an emergency however as the doors are double glazed it will be hard work I imagine! The issue I have is even when it was cold I had to have a fan on constantly to get any aeration. Now the weather is heating up the room is becoming almost sauna like and all a fan does is blow hot air around the room. I have also contacted the previous tenant whose contract I took over as I assumed the doors would open when I saw the room. He said that the landlord said he would send a locksmith round several times to no avail. He didn't tell me about the doors as he knew no-one would take the room if they knew the truth. I ask anyone who has any knowledge on these things if it is a legal requirement that there is an open window in a rented room. I have found a Northern Ireland website which states this but the rules may be different in England. It looks like I may be able to get early termination anyway as my landlord has not protected my deposit after nearly two months so I am looking at this avenue, however the more options I have the better as I am determined not to let him walk all over me. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Stephan
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