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Julie Ishers

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  1. Hi no I have managed to enlarge the pictures that the lady sent me so I can see the treatments etc, obviously this is their vet and he will no doubt want to help them. I do not want to speak to them as I am so angry that I would probably make things worse than what they are, they can produce their vet bills, but they cannot provide any post mortem report as they did not have one. The emails I have kept from them, stating that kitten 1 is home and running around and happy, then to being informed that kitten had died some days later does not make sense to me, the vet knew that the lady had another kitten at home, so must of truly believed that they had sorted out the kittens health issues.....
  2. Thankyou Daniella, I shall do that. I am concerned that if I go for mediation it will appear that I admitting to their claim ? I am a housewife, I do not have funds etc, if I make an offer I would have to pay monthly payments etc, it is all very scary as I have never had any legal actions or court letters in my life, and now all this, I cant sleep, im so unhappy and I feel as though nothing in life is right. I suppose everyone feels like this..... it is just awful x
  3. Hi, I did as you all advised and today I have received a Notice of proposed Allocation to the small claims track, I am very unsure as to what to do next, should I go for the mediation process ? I live far from this court, and I do not drive, so unsure as to what to do next. I states on this form that if I do not believe that this allocation track is not the appropriate method etc, I am really worried as it seems that they do not agree with me as they have now sent this form....help please x
  4. awww thankyou so much, you have all been fantastic and though I am still very upset and worried about it all I feel as though someone has listened to me, you are all brilliant x
  5. Sorry to bother you, when I go online to start this process which option do I choose, there is one for admitting to some of the claim, one for none of the claim, and when I have done this is there then a space to write what you put above ?? or do I then have to wait for something else to be sent to me ? I don't want to go onto the website incase I make a mess
  6. oh ok god this is an awful thing to go through......ive never had to deal with anything legal before and its awful.
  7. ok many thanks I shall copy that down, should I say that have paid them in full for the kittens ?
  8. Does that sound like someone is doing it on my behalf? I am worried that if I sound cold towards this the Judge will think im awful ;(
  9. Hi no I have not spoken to the vets, as I do not think I should as I am very angry about the fact that they released the first kitten, I shall try and get my partner to look at the copies of the receipts and see if he can enlarge them, I am not arguing with them other the costs of the vet bills, and I know they will of kept them safe so that they can use them in their defence, I just do not agree to the claim...I immediately paid them the money for the kittens, and I did feel I should offer to contribute, but I now believe they would not accept that as they are claiming the full amount.
  10. Hi I have not paid anything towards the vet fess, I paid her the cost of the kittens she bought from me, an amount has never been agreed, I know they are not like a household item that we purchase, but I did feel that I should reimburse her for the cost of the kittens. I too have also bought pets in the past that have sadly died, but have never had any help from either the breeder or any one else, as you said sometimes you just have to think it happens......
  11. Yes sadly animals can become ill, but it is all very sad, the lady was lovely, which is making it hard for me to argue, but I have to. And how could any one prove a vet was wrong, that's the problem.
  12. ok this is what I have done so far: In response to this claim I would like to respond as follows: Firstly the kittens were collected on the 14th December and not the 16th as the claimant has stated. I am not a business breeder, it is a hobby, and I have never had any thing like this happen in the last couple of years. Most litters are on average 4 or 5 kittens and last year I had 2 litters, one litter of 4 and a litter of 3, which is the litter that this case refers to. May I add at this point that the third kitten from this litter is alive and very well and living in Edinburgh and has never had a days sickness since he was collected 48hrs prior to the 2 kittens in question. The fact that the third kitten is well and happy, makes me wonder why a vet would state that the 2 kittens died 'probably' due to Feline Parvo... as the third kitten has never been ill. The reason the claimant approached me for a kitten was because she had brought a relative/friend previously that year to choose a kitten, the claimant loved the kittens and met my cats and enjoyed her visit, her friend/relative chose 2 kittens, and they are perfectly well and healthy and I did receive pictures of them settled in their new home. The day prior to the 2 kittens in this case were collected, I wormed them, they of course had been wormed regularly but I like to worm them before they leave my care. On rare occasions a kitten can have a reaction to the worming syrup, one of the kittens was sick twice on the day of their collection (14th December) I informed the claimant immediately that one had been sick that morning, and if they had any worries at all I would of kept them both with me until there were no more signs of sickness. The claimant stayed for an hour, we chatted and she watched the kittens playing etc, she then decided to take them home. On the 15th December I received an email stating that the kittens didn't seem to have a good appetite, which they certainly did whilst they were in my care....but sometimes, the travel and new surroundings can upset an animal, so I replied saying keep trying their favourite, which was chicken breast, they will hopefully soon settle. If I had wanted to deceive the claimant I would not of informed her that one of the kittens had indeed been sick the morning of collection. I received an email on the 16th December informing me that kitten 1 had been taken to the vets, I was told that he was receiving treatment for either Feline Parvo or Pertonitis, he was kept at the vets and received treatment. On the 19th December he was sent home, the email I received stated, 'He is home!!! the vet stated it was a 'bit of flu and a tummy parasite' I was overjoyed with the news, the claimant stated 'I will send you a picture as soon as he sits still ! No mention of vet fees were mentioned at this point, the claimant stated she just wanted me to know that all was well. May I also add that at no point was I contacted giving me the option of asking for the kittens to be returned to me, I was informed about the visit to the vets after the event, I would of had the kittens back here with me in a heartbeat. The next email I received was on the 27th December, informing me sadly that the kitten had died!! he had died on the 23rd December, I was not informed until 4 days after he had lost his life, I was horrified to hear this as I was told he was fit and well. I was very shocked as the vet had released him and therefor must of given him the all clear especially as he knew they had another kitten at home. Again there was no mention of the vet fee's. I was then emailed on the 30th December informing me that the second kitten had died, and the vet has stated 'it was probably Feline Parvo' no definite cause was given. And again I must state why did the vet release kitten 1 knowing there was another kitten in the home, he must of made the decision that the kitten was clear of any illness...surely? Again I have to mention the third kitten who is happily living his life in Edinburgh and of course was raised with the other 2 kittens, he has no signs of any illness at all. No post mortem was performed on either kitten, so neither I nor the claimant has any answers as to what really happened, I totally understand how upsetting this must of been for them, but I had spent the last 9 weeks caring for these babies so I was totally devastated,. I must point out again that at no time was I asked if I would contribute towards the vet fees. and as the kitten was taken to the vets before I was informed I had no say in the matter. Also I can not comprehend why the vet released the kitten knowing there was another kitten at home. He/she must of given the kitten a clean bill of health. Without a post mortem, no one can truly say what happened to the brothers, all I can say is that they recieved bundles of love and care from me. I was then emailed stating that they wanted me to pay the vet fees, but I feel that as I was not given the option to agree with the treatments or to have the babies back, and the fact that I was only informed after the event etc, and that no definite cause of death has been established, that I am not liable for these costs. I did state that I would contribute towards the fees, but an amount has never been agreed.
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