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  1. Received letter today Dear Sunny Upon reading a letter from the claimant IT IS ORDERED THAT the judgement made against Mr Sunny dated 1st July 2013 be and is hereby set aside and the claim is dismissed. Is that the end of that then? They can't take me back to court now. The default is 4 years old now so it really isn't playing a significance on my CRA. So if sigma really want their money they best beg!!
  2. Should be in the post as we speak. Sigma didn't even send me any copies of the letter they submitted to court, I'm sure they had to. I never even went to the hearing nor did sigma so it was their letter vs mine. I'm sure the lady said sigmas letter agreed for the judgement to be set aside.
  3. Apparently Sigma red had no objection of the judgement being set a side and the case is dismissed from what I understand it's between me and sigma red now and the case can't be listed again. Wonder why sigma red had no objections?!
  4. Hi people just letting you know the judgement is now set aside what happens now?
  5. There must be something I can do please the default I can take but the judgement is too harsh.
  6. I need to know how to make this kind of application, and what it entails the evidence I need to support this set aside judgement. Basically how do I prove this and how shall I argue this in court?
  7. No apparently if I pay half the amount they will satisfy my credit file for Ccj and default. I spoke to sigma and they have actually said they have now out sourced the debt to OPOS. But dx I want more info on setting this judgement aside on this division of causes action, this might put me in a good position to set aside as long as I have the Ccj removed I guess il live with the default as it's 4 years old. And I will make a settlement offer for peanuts and have default satisfied. I desperately need Ccj removed.
  8. I just spoke to sigma red, what they are a saying regarding the split claim is, they did it to save me costs hence "part sued" me. If I don't come to an agreement then they will add the full amount on to the Ccj as it is showing £606 now so it will show £1696 when they take further action. I did mention the s35 1984 act but they think they complied. Now how do I take it to county court and argue this point?
  9. Interesting day today I had a phone call from OPOS today who claimed they are working on behalf of sigma, he said if I paid 50% of the full balance of £1696 then he would satisfy my credit file. I told him I would only do that if he would wipe both default and Ccj clean. He refused but even he couldn't understand why sigma got me a Ccj for a less amount. I asked him if OPOS bought the debt off sigma but he kept saying no.
  10. First of all what sort of things shall I look out for in the SAR? What sort of things need to be in this SAR from sigma & t-mobile for me to have a case to get them removed from my credit file? I dont think I can set aside the judgement I havent got a strong case. If i pay it how much do i pay bare in mind original default was for £1696 i got a ccj for £606. How much should I offer so the default and ccj are both satisfied?
  11. What do I do once and if i get the SAR? I havent got my old T-mobile account number is that an issue.
  12. What is a SAR and how do I get it off T-mobile? Do I apply for SAR to both sigma and T-mobile at the same time? Is there templates for SAR?
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