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Everything posted by natrey

  1. Hi there I am new to this, I have written to the bank asking for a statement of charges on all accounts in my name, I also provided all addresses that I had been at. HSBC wrote back saying they would provide this information for free and I received this pretty quickly. Upon receipt, I realised I had been charged £2,200 in fees and wrote to claim these back, I explained that I am currently in a debt management plan (with HSBC being one of the creditors, and their collections agency, Metropolitan) and that I recently lost my job, I am in a much lower paid job and am struggling to pay everything, I explained this in my letter, along with the fact that I thought that some of their charges amounting to £150 a time, being unreasonable. They replied to me today to say that they do not think I have a case, they regret my financial hardship but I have no open accounts with them and they think the amount was reasonable. They have sent me details about the ombudsman and I was going to write to them and send all the information I have received.. however, I have looked online and see that making an application to the Court is probably the best route - can someone please advise and let me know... also has anyone had experience taking the banks to court and how I make a claim and what letters I need to write and if there are any templates. Many thanks
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