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  1. I have no idea how much I paid, I had the car for 2 years, how do I find out? Can you remember exactly when the car was taken - month & year ?
  2. Thanks for your reply, I was naive and I didn't know what to do at the time or what would happen if I didn't hand over the keys to them, I'll tell cabot they can go and whistle, I'm not paying a penny Thanks again
  3. Hi everyone, I'm new here and just looking for some advice I got a car on finance from approved car finance/ the funding corporation with my ex partner back in 2004 and I was paying all the monthly payments for about a year until I got laid off and I rang them and told them this and they still wanted me to pay, I started paying roughly £135 a week when started back work after being out of work for 2 months, when me and my ex split up in 2006 I lost my job and got 3 months behind with my payments, during this time I was staying with a friend, then out of the blue I had 2 men turn up at my friends house to say they was there to take my car if I didn't hand over £900 there and then, I didn't have that much on me and offered them £150 and I would pay the rest a week later when I had it, they said no and I had to remove all my belongings from the boot and put them in the garden and they took the car. I contacted the funding corporation and they told me because the car was repossessed I would not have to make any further payments on it and that was it. Fast forward to 2014 and I received a letter from Cabot debt collection agency saying I owe them £9000 for the car, what do I do, can anyone give me some advise please
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