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Everything posted by concernedson100

  1. My father is now quite elderly and unwell. He has gambled heavily for many years and has run up large credit card debts. We don't know quite how large, but he has a number of cards and only pays off the minimum. He is still gambling and I don't think he will stop. My mother is very worried about what will happen should he pre-decease her. The house is in joint ownership and the mortgage has been paid off. We aren't really sure whether she would have to pay his credit card/gambling debts and whether the house would form part of his estate, or pass directly to her. We are wondering whether it would be sensible to try to put the house in her name only, should my father agree. A possible complication is that the bank appear to have lost the house deeds. I would be grateful for any authoritative advice. I've read a few forum threads here and elsewhere, but I'm still not at all clear what the legal position is. I know I'd certainly want to fight any judgement against my mother, because she has worked hard all her life and constantly saved to try to safeguard herself. Also I feel the credit card companies have acted irresponsibly, allowing my father to borrow more and more, when they must know very well that the borrowings are going straight to the bookmakers. Thank you.
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