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  1. Ill keep you updated, I really appreciate your help x
  2. Thanks very much, Ill start in the morning. Get some sleep. Night x
  3. so keep the letters and start getting totals to go with, and ask what the initail debt was?
  4. I have tried but I dont have exact figures. . there are 5 phonebills at around 450 each, 1500 to provident, another doorstep loan ive managed to get down to 145, the council tax, gas is about 3000+, wonga payday express wageday advance all about 400 each. I am genuinely ashamed of this
  5. No its just been that long and there was times I wasnt entitled to it. I havent had a court letter though, I open them read where its from and bin it, half these places ive never heard off.. debt collectors?
  6. Yeah its provident, I explained I was in a mess and was trying to sort it and that I couldnt pay for the forseeable, but they kept coming so I started to text asking them not to, which they didnt. . on that day just a few later. I just get flustered and give them it.
  7. Yeah, the thing is ive been paying the doorstep guys and not this as they confront me at the door and I dont have it in me to say I dont have it .
  8. This is my second year at college and im due to go on to jobseekers in june which im determined to have a job by, does this affect the situation?
  9. Thank you for your reply Yeah we live alone, Im not working (not for the want of trying) Im a student studying part time as advised by the college to remain getting housing benefit. I get income support and tax credits etc. Rent is ok. As for the council tax im not sure what I owe. roughly 3500, i just kept binning letters, it was referred to charles anderson and I have 3.55 or something coming direct from my benefit. They had sent an arrestment of wages letter and a few summary warrants. The gas isnt a constant non payment, when I was on benefits I requested fuel direct and when I wasnt they got nothing.
  10. this is the biggest step I have made about dealing with this and I could really use some advice: at 16 I knew better and I was going to show everyone, I moved out from my mum & dads and in with a friend. At the time it was a way to drink without the hassle of parents.. Time went on and I met someone and stayed with them until it was unbearable and I declared myself homeless and stayed in a unit.. This was when i realised I was pregnant and with so many complications with my childs dad I was eventually moved away from him to temporary accommodation and then a secure tenancy. By now 18 nearly 19. The thing is I didnt have a clue, I hadnt spoken to my family and just didnt know what I was doing or even the basics of running a house, the mother & cleaning stuff came naturally but the paying bills etc didnt. Now im in an unbelievable mess, I have four years worth of gas and council tax arrears, multiple payday loans, provident loans and unpaid phonebills. For years I have binned letters so to even find where to start on resolving this is hard. I can see how stupid I seem and I am sorry for the mess I got myself in but what can i do? Please dont judge as I have seen people get pounced on for this but nobody could feel as terrible for this as I do. Mx
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