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  1. Exactly.. And that's why I'm extremely grateful for the help.. Thanks guys
  2. Thanks ims.. I'll have a look through them. And thanks brigadier.. Any help is appreciated.. Never really had to deal with a dca like this.. If I've owed something.. I've always paid it back.
  3. So as with a lot of the communication you have with dca's, there's usually a specific way of setting out a letter. Is that so with this.. Or should it just be roughly as you've described?
  4. Oh.. Definitely the first.. Bit more of an effort on my behalf.. But rather that than keep clogging up my letter box with paper
  5. Thankfully I already did the telephone bit.. Stated that I would only communicate by letter in my original letter to them. I'll look up the doorstep one and fire that off as well.
  6. Last letter I got was about 2 weeks ago saying that a door step collector would come round to sort out a payment plan.
  7. Well I wasnt really aware of it before the split.. She handled all the finances (which, yes I know is a little silly of me, but that's how we ran things. Lesson learnt) Apparently it was for a debt of somekind from HSBC going back well over 10 years.. Probably approaching nearer 15. And according to rw it was a joint debt. I decided to pay it as she had been, to help her out as I was more able than her at the time of the separation. And that's all I know..
  8. Thanks.. See that's what I thought.. I've worked hard for the last 4ish years (working two jobs and all the hours of the week) to get myself to a point where I'm almost out of debt ( only 1cc to go). And im a little worried that after all that hard work and pure exhaustion.. Rw are gonna throw a spanner in the works and somehow throw me back into paying for a debt I'm not even sure what for or how I'm linked to.. Hence the reason for asking for the original documents. So your advice is to ignore the scavengers and fire off the harassment letter if I feel it's being to bothersome then.
  9. Hi.. I'm after some advice if poss.. But first a bit of background info.. About 5 years ago me and me ex wife separated. While doing so I went through our finances and took over a payment she was making to HSBC through Robinson way...I didn't now much about it but said I'd take over it to help her financially (we parted very amicably and have children so wanted to help out as much as poss). Anyway I paid this for about 2 years til may 2012 at which point we were finalising the divorce and while going through my finances my solicitor at the time asked me what this was for. As I didn't really have much idea so I asked the ex for the original documents, but was told she had no records for it. So knowing that I'm legally entitled to them I wrote to Robinson way and requested them. After a stalling letter and then a further request from myself I received a letter a few months back saying.. And I quote " we have been informed that we are curry unable to obtain a copy of the original agreement from the original creditor. Whilst this means that the debt is unenforceable through the courts, it does not mean the debt does not exist or that we are not entitled to pursue you for the sums outstanding. Please find enclosed a statement of the account showing previous payments made accepting liability of this account" So I'm a little confused.. I explained in my original letter to them why I was requesting the documents and as they can't provide them I can't be totally sure I'm listed on the original documents. And also as they say it's unenforceable through the courts where do I go with this?? Since then I've received a letter asking me to continue paying.. And another one saying they are going to instruct a door step collector to come and arrange a payment plan. So as you can see I'm just a bit confused as to what to do next given the letter they sent me...any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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