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  1. Then in February I received a request from a debt collection agency for £80, in relation to a Late Licensing Penalty which until then I had not known anything about. In conversation with them it became apparent that I should have received a request for £40 from DVLA at some point prior to this. I had recently changed address, so reasonably assumed that the original demand must have gone to my old house, and the debt collectors letter to my new one. I wrote to DVLA accepting that I was late and that I might have to pay a penalty, but that I had never been given an opportunity to pay the £40, so please issue me with the original demand to consider. There reply was a standard 'get lost' template letter that did not relate to the basic points at issue here. I have the option to appeal, does anyone think I have a case worth pursuing for the sake of saving £40? (The new V5 appears to prove the date of changed address) Thanks
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