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  1. @Oldguy52 Its through Nationwide.
  2. Well a success story here - finally got my forms through from my CC company..took about 7 days to arrive. Filled out all the necessary - i also sent them all the emails i received and sent with an added page detailing the summary of exchanges, pointing out the dates, key comments etc. This was sent to them late last week. Just checked my bank and i got my money back!
  3. I've just been compiling all the communications i received etc for my credit card company. One thing i've only just noticed is the confirmation of cancellation email i recieved appears to be personal, not automated like the others. Was from a Daniel Strong, but signed as Thomas at the bottom. Anyone else get this?
  4. Weird how peoples credit card companies have reacted so differently. Mine were pretty much straight on it when i contacted them last week and logged it as dispute. Just waiting on the paper work now, which should hopefully arrive any time soon. As i have it logged as dispute the interest is held so i won't be paying anything on the 308 quid they have essentially stolen. So i'm just treating it as a blip on my statement until i get my money back. I also logged it with fraud action line too, havent heard anything from them at all really other than getting a ref number.
  5. Interesting to read elsewhere on the net more people have had fraudulent transactions made on their cards - i'd very interested to hear if the transactions were made by the same company or under a different name? My CC peeps have blocked AR Supplies Ltd from making anymore transactions but will this stop them doing so under another name..i.e. should we be cancelling our current credit card completely rather than blocking the singular..?
  6. Hi,Looks like i'm in the same boat - very similar story to most. I actually did some research first, checked companies house etc and seemed ok. The price was cheaper but not massively so it didnt seem like a dodgy decision. PS4 was ordered some weeks ago, and immediately started hounding them about the payment as it seemed to take forever for them to take the payment - ironic really! I started to get suspicious at this point as i've never heard of a company taking 5 days to do this.Anyway, left it a few days, again used the online chat to chase about delivery. Was told it would be with me between 26th to 28th. I then got the dreaded email to say it was going to be delayed, as previous people have posted. My first reaction was to get back to the online chat - the response i got was 'reply to the email'. I responsed by asking 'you are actually encouraging me to cancel?!'. Really seemed dodgy at this point so i immediately got on the phone and spoke to someone - they sold me some sob story about a distribution problem, a contract issue and only being able to ship 50 units a time or something.As soon as i got off the phone i replied to the email and cancelled - went to tescos and bought my ps4 (which i should've done to start with!). I spoke to my credit card people yesterday as soon as i saw the site was down. I've also asked them to block any payments to AR Supplies ltd following some of the stuff i have read on here.In summary, What a pain in the ass!
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