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Billy Bremner

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Everything posted by Billy Bremner

  1. Can anybody tell me how I would check capquest haven't applied to get a ccj against me at my old address. They've been writing to me here for 5 years including a stat demand so they know my present address. I'm not implying these people would be sneaky but just in case. I tried to ring Northampton, waited in a ridiculously long phone queue. When I finally got through I think it was a call centre in India. I'm sure the lady is a genuinely nice lady but her accent was unintelligible. She said she had no way of checking! Thanks all, Billy
  2. IMHO 6 years is plenty long enough to take some action if they feel they have the right paperwork etc' regardless of where the 6 years is measured from. Thanks again, Billy.
  3. I am sure you're right Brigadier. While I was waiting for a reply here I was looking at the Stepchange site. It also says from last payment or written acknowledgement. Cheers
  4. That is such a weight off my shoulders. I think there would've been a problem for them to get a cca to enforce it anyway but that is such a relief. The pressure has almost given me a breakdown. Cheers Brigadier.
  5. I promised to update so I now have this information. I have now found out the date I last paid on or made any acknowledgement of this card. It was 30th March 2008. Any ideas or comments would be gratefully received . Regards, Billy.
  6. Interesting. I'd quite enjoy causing them a problem. Even a minor one. I'll look into it and let you know. Cheers. Billy
  7. Wouldn't they just say I should pay? Who would I need to complain to? Thanks, Billy
  8. To be honest the amount of calls is probably because I ignore them and they go through to voice mail. I only ever answer numbers I recognize. Cheers
  9. Good idea mate. To be honest I'm amazed that they think the 30 plus calls I've had and a couple of letters is worth it for 8 quid. Cheers, Billy
  10. Thanks mate. thought that was the case but it helps to hear other people's view. Regards, Billy.
  11. Thanks. I'll let you know any further developments. Regards, Billy.
  12. I sold some items on Ebay and I paid my paypal late and got a letter from transcom claiming the fees (roughly 20 quid). I had paid ebay directly by the time I got the letter and my account is £0.00. Firstly can transcom take me to court if the "debt" was never assigned to them. Secondly, if not I assume ebay cannot assign anything to them now as my account is paid up. Cheers all, Billy.
  13. Just to update this I had another letter extending my "deadline" and increasing the discount offered to 50% !! Not that I could pay if they gave me 99% discount. I have literally no income so I'll get a debt relief order if I have to. Should I send CCA request now or just let them keep writing? Thanks, Billy.
  14. 30% does sound alot to offer if they thought they could get 100% in court eh?
  15. Got another letter this weekend. They've extended my "deadline" and offered me a 30% discount!!!! What on earth is going on? Confused, Billy.
  16. Thanks. Just trying to reassure myself because I don't remember exact dates . Are you saying the bank accounts would definitely be on there if less than 6 years since I closed them? Thanks
  17. Sorry to keep banging on about this. Really appreciate the help and support so far. Can anybody help me with this point? At the time all this was happening I also had 2 bank accounts, one of which I paid my bills from. I closed them at around the time I stopped paying all my debts (I lost my business, my house ,car everything so I wasn't just trying to avoid paying. I had literally no money). Now if these accounts don't show on my credit report does that mean it was more than 6 years ago because if so my I can't have paid anything in the last 6 years?? I assume bank accounts are normally listed. Thanks, Billy
  18. My experian credit report arrived and doesn't contain any mention of this. I thought because capquest were writing to me here there was no need to mention my last address when filling in the form for experian. I've been here more than the 6 yrs the form asked addresses for, but this card was taken out at my old address 12 yrs ago. I'm guessing the default was added using my old address. Now I'm stumped as to why this wasn't included. Any ideas anyone? Thanks
  19. Oh I see. As long as the date didn't change I don't suppose it matters really. Thanks Brigadier
  20. Actually the more I think about that the stranger it seems. Why did capquest default my capital one credit card?? Doesn't it have to be the original creditor? Cheers
  21. Brigadier I think you accidentally repeated your previous post. Cheers
  22. It just says " bank default from capquest investment ltd" at the top. So I guess capquest added it to my file because my mobile entry has o2 at the top of their entry. Doesn't have an entry in the date last delinquent box or the credit limit box. Cheers
  23. I don't have any credit cards so I had to send £2 experian( should be here any time), and the free equifax trial online. Maybe Experian will have more details. I don't have spare cash to SAR cap 1. Cheers
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