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Everything posted by daztomo

  1. Quick question to the original poster... Did you manage to get them to agree the repayment plan or did you just get their bank details and start paying off what you agreed in your plan? and ignored any emails/letters from then on? I ask because I'm in the middle of arranging a plan with them, I've sent an email telling them how much I can afford to pay, and included an income/expenditure file. waiting to hear, live chat with them was no help
  2. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/complaints-payday-loan-firms-more-7392418
  3. Hi Becky. Maggie won't get any emails that the payment has not gone through because she has cancelled the CPA therefore they won't attempt to take any payment, Once Wonga have confirmed that the CPA has been cancelled it is then Maggie's responsibility to arrange an alternative payment method. (Please make sure this is standing order only). I cancelled my CPA with Wonga and they didn't make any attempt to take payment on the due date (or any other date). I emailed them asking for their bank details so I could set up a standing order to make immediate payments, they gave me those details and asked me for the amount I would be paying and the 'promise date'. (this was after I had sent them a simple I/E form from the national debt line). I then TOLD them the amount I'd be paying and the promise date and I'm now paying an affordable set amount each month to Wonga via standing order. You should email Wonga asking for their bank details as well as Maggie's loan reference number to set up the standing order (I think Maggie already has these details actually). Then it's just a case of making the payments each month but make sure the payments are comfortable amounts
  4. be assured that they won't take any payment once the CPA has been cancelled, i know what its like to be in that situation worrying etc but your on the right track
  5. Wonga will not take the payment if you have requested the CPA to be cancelled and also they have confirmed that the CPA has been cancelled, it's now down to you to arrange an alternative payment method i.e get that standing order sorted out, work out your budgets and ask them for their bank details to set up a standing order, they will supply these to you straight away and they will give you a reference number to use when setting up your standing order, once that's done tell them the 'promise date' that you will be making payments each month and the amount then just stick to it, sleep well!
  6. yes, they didn't ask any questions, I just requested the CPA was cancelled and they replied saying 'As requested, we’ve cancelled your continuous payment authority and removed all debit cards from your account.' in the same email they gave me the bank details to set up a standing order, as I TOLD them that is the only way I will be making payments, they then replied asking for the promise date and the amount I would be paying each month, I emailed them back giving them those details and now I just make payments every month on my promise date via standing order.
  7. Hi Maggie, I recently emailed Wonga collections@wonga.com to cancel my CPA which they did within 24 hours, I also filled in a simple income/expenditure form from the national debtline and attached that file to the email I sent to Wonga asking them for their bank details to set up a monthly standing order, they replied giving me their bank details and asking me how much I would be paying and for the 'promise date' that the standing order will be coming out, I replied giving them those details, I haven't heard from them since but I am going to start paying back my agreed amount on the promise date each month. Please make sure the repayment is a comfortable amount as you don't want to get further into the payday loan disease.
  8. Hey guys... I got this email today from Wonga The way we collect payments is changing Our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, has implemented some new rules around the use of Continuous Payment Authority (CPA). As a Wonga customer with an existing loan, this may affect the way that we collect payments from you. The key changes: We will only collect the full amount outstanding - we won't attempt partial payments. If our first attempt to collect on the promise date is not successful, we will only try one more time. If that second attempt is also unsuccessful, we would not use CPA again, unless agreed with you. The changes will apply from 18th June 2014. How the changes will affect you These changes may not affect you at all. It depends on the status of your loan on the day of the changes: If your promise date is on or after 18th June: We will collect payments using CPA in the new way set out below. If we successfully collect the amount due on your promise date, the changes will not affect you. If you are in arrears without a repayment arrangement: From 18th June, we will not make any further attempts to collect the amount due using CPA. You will need to set up a repayment arrangement via My Account or call us on 0207 138 8331 to discuss repayment options. If you are in a repayment arrangement: There will be no change to the way we collect payments. If we can't collect the amount due after two failed attempts, your arrangement will be cancelled and we will not use CPA again, unless agreed with you. If you have cancelled your CPA or it has been suspended: These changes will not affect the way your loan is repaid, unless collection using CPA is resumed.
  9. Guys, 1 thing I have learnt from reading the posts on this forum is to NEVER call them EVER EVER EVER, keep everything in writing either via email or by their live chat which has an option to save the chat to your email address, verbal contracts mean jack to these people. I went down the cancelling the CPA road with Wonga and quick quid, Wonga sent me their bank details to set-up a standing order repayment plan pretty quickly and to fill out an I/E form from their site but I just filled 1 in off the national debtline website, quick quid I never heard a response via email so I live chatted them and they told me they don't accept standing orders or give out their bank details to set up a standing order, I told them well 'that's the only way your going to get money from me'. Just stick to your guns guys work out all your priority debts first and see how much you have left over for these non-priority debts, (even if its a very small amount) it's tough titty!
  10. Pretty much what I thought but that's why I pie'd him off until I spoke to people who know more about those companies than I do so thanks! I generally do go with the rule 'if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true'
  11. Hey guys, have sent out an I/e form filled out from national debt line website, had no reply yet, guess it's just a waiting game but they have sent their bank details to start making payments. Today I had a call from the money group usave just out of the blue, they gave me all these too good to be true details that they can reduce most of my debts by 75% into 1 monthly payment, anyone had any dealings with these guys? They are calling me back tonight as I am at work at the minute.
  12. ok so I went into a HSBC branch to cancel the CPA to Wonga but they said they could only cancel direct debits from a branch and that I had to phone telephone banking to cancel a recurring payment... I did this and the guy on the phone said that there was no payment set up for Wonga as they take their payments by 'card payment' he explained... 'it's like the same payment you would get from going to a supermarket and buying goods', we can't stop that payment either'. He then went on to say that if Wonga have stopped the CPA (which they claim to have done) then they shouldn't take any payment from the account and if they do so that they (HSBC) will investigate and try to get it refunded.
  13. Great stuff, i'll be walking into the bank tomorrow and hopefully it goes as smoothly as it should.
  14. ok thanks renegadeimp I will definitely fill in an I+E form from the site you recommended, a quick question about cancelling a CPA with your bank (mines HSBC), do I just ring them up and tell them I want a CPA stopped from the company Wong? or do I need specific details?
  15. Just had an email from Wonga this morning... 'Now we know you’re experiencing some level of financial difficulty (I told them this in the very 1st email), we’ll freeze interest and charges on your account for 38 days. We’ll also stop all collections activity during this time. We now need you to complete and return the attached income and expenditure form within 38 days, and send us reasons for your current financial hardship plus evidence to support your claim. It’s important we get the completed form quickly, so we can assess your situation and work out the best solution for both of us. If you don’t return the form and agree a repayment plan within 38 days, collections activity will restart on your account and interest will continue to accrue. To remind yourself how we collect payments using continuous payment authority if you don’t pay on time click here' Freezing the interest for only 38 days is not going to help me get on top of this situation, do I fill out the I+E form they provided?
  16. Wonga emailed me confirming that they have cancelled the CPA on my account, but I will also go to my bank on Monday to make sure that has happened, I told them I was in financial difficulty and asked them to freeze any interest, and stated that I would pay regular payments of £50 per month until my financial situation was back on track, I replied to their last email asking them to freeze any interest incurring as I have set up a standing order now of £50 per month which I can afford until I can increase the payments, no reply as of yet.
  17. Hi guys (1st post here) I've read through quite a few posts and I think the advice you guys give is nothing short of amazing, I have a Wonga loan which I have now cancelled all cards and CPA with and I'm setting up a standing order with the details they have given me... My account on Wonga shows... Total amount owed - £1124.79 Capital repayment - £880 Interest repayment - £233.79 Transmission fee - £11 Their reply to me cancelling my CPA and debit cards was to say that 'interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding balance' is that something I just have to accept as I have asked for interest to be frozen whilst I make payments as and when I can afford to, So I guess my question is exactly how much should I be looking to pay back? Thanks in advance guys.
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